Self Replicating, Self Permutable Code and the Invisible Binary =============================================================== [Or High Level Static Data Permutation] =============================================================== prole 03.31.2000 First, a (non-standard) disclaimer: Judging by the title, you may assume that this is an article about writing virii. Not true - I've never written, nor plan to write, a virus. The above poses itself as an interesting infinite-recursion problem, and has applications other than virii. For example, these properties could be useful both for hiding root kits as well as IDS E-boxes (event generators), general-purpose mususe-dectection devices, or potentially for extending the capabilities software licensing/policing mechanisms. I make no judgements about the possible applications these concepts may bring to light. Despite the above, I will frequently use infectious programs as examples, as that seems to provide the most immediate means of understanding. Because of my limited experience with virii, many of the speculations I make herein are just that - speculations, unless otherwise backed by code, logic, inference, or references. Replication: ------------ Now, on to the details. First, lets look at some self-replicating code. I'll use perl frequently for brevity, so here's some self-replicating perl: ----->8----- snip [] -----8<----- #!/usr/bin/perl my ($sq,$perc,$c) = (0x27,0x25,0x63); my $self = '#!/usr/bin/perl my ($sq,$perc,$c) = (0x27,0x25,0x63); my $self = %c%s%c; print STDERR "\tOoooh, replication!\n"; print sprintf $self, $sq, $self, $sq, $sq, $payload, $sq, $perc, $c, $sq; exit; '; print STDERR "\tOoooh, replication!\n"; print sprintf $self, $sq, $self, $sq, $sq, $payload, $sq, $perc, $c, $sq; exit; ----->8----- snip -----8<----- (0) 21 prole@hoover [15:08:45] rep > ./ > basic.dup Ooooh, replication! (0) 22 prole@hoover [15:08:47] rep > diff basic.dup (0) 23 prole@hoover [15:08:50] rep > Granted, these don't do anything useful, nor do they even exec a copy of themselves, muchless chmod themselves to executable. It's trivial to modify themselves to do this - try it. There are three important aspects to realize, though: 1) We are removing one character (') or (") from our set of useable characters allowable for payload code. This is because of the quoting mechanisms of perl (" for C), and will become clearer as we progress. For a challenge, try re-writing the perl example to use double quotes to encompass $self instead of single quotes. 2) No referenceable store, other than our standard-access memory space, is required to replicate. In this example, the sprintf() provides the self-reference we require, but it isn't an abnormal memory reference that virus detectors/IDS may flag as suspicious. 3) There's alot of static data here. (1) is important, since when we end up developing a payload, we run into the problem that the payload can't contain any single quotes. If it did, it would terminate the $self variable, and screw up our syntax. The immediate solution is to change every instance of a single quote to the charater string percent-c (%c), and sprintf an extra $sq for each one. This is not only cumbersome during development, but gets you into trouble when you want to actually execute the payload - the payload now has syntax problems since it still contains percent-c's where it really needs quotes. A workable solution is to transliterate all occurances of percent-c's to quotes after the sprintf, but before the payload is called to execute. In perl this could be done as follows (remember, this transliteration method can't contain the quote literal either, as it must be contained by $self as well): ----->8----- snip [] -----8<----- #!/usr/bin/perl # also contains a mechanism to make it easier to code your payload my ($sq,$perc,$c) = (0x27,0x25,0x63); my $self = '#!/usr/bin/perl my ($sq,$perc,$c) = (0x27,0x25,0x63); my $self = %c%s%c; $payload = %c%s%c; print sprintf $self, $sq, $self, $sq, $sq, $payload, $sq, $perc, $c, $sq; $payload =~ s/%c%c/%c/g; eval $payload; '; $payload = ' print STDERR "\tOoooh, replication!\n"; my $foo = %cSomething in quotes twice %c x 2; print STDERR "\t$foo\n"; '; print sprintf $self, $sq, $self, $sq, $sq, $payload, $sq, $perc, $c, $sq; $payload =~ s/%c/'/g; eval $payload; ----->8----- snip -----8<----- In C this may be easiest with an inlined assembly, although it reduces portability. (2) is interesting, as the code need not ever hit stable store. It's my feeling, although unsubstantiated, that most virii currently replicate by referencing themselves as a file on stable store, or by running through memory in a nonstandard way (with respect to the execution patterns of most binaries) to copy itself. Just as it's name states, the only thing self-replicating code must reference is itself, just any other project references it's static data. It needs no concept of an 'outer world' to create a string of bytes that is an image of itself. (3) isn't really an issue for the self-replicating portion, but for the invisibility portion. Keep it in mind. Permutation: ------------ When we start examining code permutations, several question arise. 0) How do we permute? 1) At what level do we want to permute code? 2) Do we want precise logical equivalence, or probabilistic eqivalence? 3) What portions of the executable can we/do we want to permute? 4) Do we require reference to stable store to permute? 5) When do we want to permute? 6) How do we permute the permutation engine? 0) How do we permute? This is a basic question - if we deterministically permute our code, then a detector can be built that easily recognizes the permutable code. Regardless as to whether or not we use a key external to the algorithm to permute upon (e.g., encrypt ourselves), or purely algorithmically (e.g., xor ourselves), the key to our decoding is easily seen inside ourselves. We need to achieve a degree of opaqueness, where the permutation algorithm will generate different and unknown permutation even if the source to our code is available. [Pseudo-]randomness seems to be the answer. 1) At what level do we want to permute code? Do went want to manipulate code at the assembly level, or C/Perl/etc level? If we want to permute at a high level, for example, turning for( i=0; i<10; i++ ) { ... } into for( i=5; i<15; i++ ) { ... } we have to be very aware of our language. Not only do we have to recognize the syntax of of a for statement, we also have to recognize, and perhaps understand, the syntax and semantics of all the code contained by the for loop. Using the above example, for( i=0, i<10; i++ ) { sum += list[i]; } would need to turn into for( i=5; i<15; i++ ) { sum += list[i-5]; } Furthermore, we'd have to be very aware of our compiler, to ensure that the for loop wasn't unrolled and optimized into a string of assembly instructions that were very similar, but not exactly the same. However, we run into even large problems here, which are very evident with relatively lower-level languages such as C (contrived example, but you get the point); for( i=0, i<10; i++ ) { do_something_to_stack(&i); } wouldn't be permutable in this fashion without understanding do_something_to_stack(). It appears, for strict logical equivlance and high- level code permuations, we'd need to include an entire compiler as in our payload. Undesirable, to say the least - especially if we're trying to be somewhat invisible. Now, it seems at this point that we may want to explore lower-level permutations, perhaps at the assembly level. To gain strict logical equivalence, we only needs to create null-permutations, i.e., permutations that have no effect on the results of the program. At this point, it's very important to understand the ISA you're working with. (My example are from core Sparc assembly.) Of course, the easiest transformation is to insert a NOP. In Sparc asm, you would just have to make sure this doesn't occur in a branch delay slot already occupied by a non-null instruction. However, we can get a little more creative. If we had subcc $l3, $l1, $l2 add $l7, $l5, $l6 we could change it into subcc $l3, $l1, $l2 add $l3, $l1, $l2 sub $l3, $l1, $l2 add $l5, %l6, $l7 or: subcc $l3, $l1, $l2 srl $g0, $g0, $g0 add $l7, $l5, $l6 This example (purposely) exhibits some of the pitfalls when working on this level. Our inserted add must not be of the 'cc' family, which has side effect of setting a condition code that may be relied upon later (e.g., for a branch), or must reset the condition code later via a 'cc' instruction that is equivalent to the first. The astutue reader may notice that the first transformation may not even be strictly equivalent, as the condition codes - which affect branches among other things - won't be set in the second sub, since we didn't use subcc. This type of transformation is easier when constants are specified, instead of registers. Furthermore, we're using local registers - we can't be as sure that our transformation will work if we were modifying global registers, as any interloping signals may jump us out of our transformation and use the global regsiters before we've restored the correct values. Of course, we're defining our payload, so an easy way out of this one is to add our own signal handlers, ignore all signals, or not use them at all. An interesting possibility is to stub out our signal handlers, and let them be permuted randomly, or inserting random jumps to functions whose bodies we can fill with arbitary code. All of this will change the image of the binary. 2) Do we want precise logical equivalence, or probabilistic eqivalence? I'll just gloss over this one, since I've been assuming precise logical eqivalence. Another option, though, would be to relax this condition, and spawn several permutations of ourself which we're not sure will be equivalent. We try transformations that may very well kill our child, but hope at least one works. This doesn't seem desirable for a few reasons - the first of which is that if we're dropping a trail of cores, we probably won't be all that undetectable, and the second of which is determining the rate and number of copies to spawn. Anyone remember why RTM's worm was so problematic? 3) What portions of the executable can we/do we want to permute? Up until now, we've been permuting the code portion of the executable. If I were to write a virus scanner, however, I'd be looking for other data to key upon. The program header and static data seem to be two good alternatives. As far as program header manipulation goes, I could give no better description than silvio, check out for some awesome articles. Static data is good, since it doesn't change as much as code does during compilation (different chunks can change in offsets with relation to each other, but I don't believe it to be that commnt), but also that static data should all be in the data (or equivalent) segment of the executable. This makes the fingerprint easier to find, and minimizes the amount of scanning that must be done. So, in order to make ourselves harder to detect, we should permute this data as well. It gets a little trickier, however, when we realize that some of the static data in our binary will be from comparisons required for our permutation engine, such as the 'add' string in if( instruction == 'add' ) { ... }". Of course, if we are successful at this, then our code permutations proactively assist us in our quest since data-permutative aware detectors may also scan the text segment for distinctive code portions if both executable header and static data permutations are performed. We have to realize that our static data must be permuted dynamically achieve any degree of stealthiness, so any code that utilizes this data must be aware of how to ignore chaff data or de-permute this data. Similar to code-permutation, these transformations should involve a degree of randomness, and therefore should use chaff data as opposed to de-permutation. Remember the single character we removed from our set of available characters from our self- replication example? We can either use that character, or choose one (or more) other - perhaps a byte that occurs frequently in binary images, isn't from instruction we'd probably reference in a transformation, and/or is a high-order ascii character. What's the equivalent of "bge ..." in your favorite assembly language? During replication, we can insert this character at random intervals into our static data. Before any of this data is used, we can send it through a routine that will remove it. Later, I present a Perl program to do more than this. If we're doing high level permutations, another option would be to break up our data into small chunks, say down to individual bytes, declare all of our statics in one place, and let our permutation engine intersperse this area with declarations of bogus static data. This method makes it a pain to program the payload of your data, and seems kludgy to me. Your code will be littered with strcmp() replacements like if( *cp++ == *a && *cp++ == *b && *cp++ == *c ... ) 4) Do we require reference to stable store to permute? This really starts to become an architecture-dependent issue. Of course, if we're permuting at a high level, as discussed in (1), we may not need a referencable store, but we then have to deal with the problems presented there. It seems on the face that it would alleviate such problems by referencing a store to modify the not-yet-permuted copy of ourselves that we've just output. However, if we're re-writing ourselves in memory, we may not be successful. We'll have to be very careful that we update any executable meta-data, such as pointers to the bss, code, and data segments if we change their sizes, ad nauseum. Some of this data may not be writable by us - and even the entirety of the code segment may not be if the administrator is wise enough, and has the means, to make the stack non-executable. However, modifying ourselves in memory does have the advantage that we can permute at run time, perhaps arbitrarily freqently. At this point, modifying a copy our ourselves on a store of potentially coarser- grained protections, e.g, disk, is a relief. If we were able to write ourselves out to disk, we can probably modify ourselves as well. We know that we have full control over the format of our binary, and have more freedom to run over memory and not trample ourselves while we're running. The major disadvantage is that we can only permute at replication time. 5) When do we want to permute? We have several general options here: a) At replication time b) At runtime c) During runtime As discussed above, mutating at replication time seems to be the easiest, and perhaps most reliable, means of permuting. Furthermore, if we aren't modifying our stable store copy, then we will maintain this permutation if we execute periodically. While this may appear to be a disadvantage - our image on disk never changes once written - we could easily make part of our payload delete the copy on disk, and replace it with a new permutation, if desirable. This is probably doable if we were able to write ourselves out in the first place. Or, it may be desirable to just have a different fingerprint than a virus detection engine, so we require one change per replication. If we mutate at runtime, we have the advantage that any tracing of our program while executing will probably yield different results which decreases the chances that a runtime signature of us may be generated for the purposes of detection. We'll proably lose this permutation at next run (doubtful that we'd be be mmap()'d, barring RIO filesystems and such), unless we take the precaution of replacing ourselves with a fresh, permuted copy as mentioined above. 6) How do we permute the permutation engine? If we're modifying a copy of ourselves after it has been created in a referenceable store, this is easy. There are no special cases to take into account - if we can permute the rest of the program, why can't we permute the permutation engine? If we're modifying ourselves in memory, we probably won't be able to modify our code portion, as it will probably be read only. If it's not, we may be able to achieve the permutation by looking at the general idea behind the self-replicating code: we're just referencing ourselves indirectly, twice, without external references. In terms of in-core premutations, this means we may be able to have the central portion of the permutation engine push itself down the stack, modify itself, and return, all without calling any other functions. It's kind of like a function that overflows itself in order to rewrite the last invocation of itself in higher memory (assuming memory grows down). This solution is also the way to to permute ourselves at a high level without any referencable stores - we just have a portion of our permute $self, of which the permutation engine is part of. Viola! The downside to this, however, is that we're accessing memory in a reasonable abnormal manner, which may flag run-time IDSs. Another possibility is to dynamically create the permutation engine routines or paramters. I do a _very_ basic version of this in my program below. During replication time, we vary aspects of the permutation engine as we write ourselves out. We can have a set of possible obfuscation routines, possibly inserting basic null declarations, function, and rulesets to change static data offsets and content for the following permutation. Additional Concerns: -------------------- All of these techniques are built around changing the ordering, and introducing chaff data. However, it doesn't deal with removing any information that must be present in the binary. Organization of this data is critical. For example, if one were to use the above techniques, tons of rand() calls may little the entire binary. While many programs call rand(), XXXX in my last count of OpenBSD XXXX binaries, it is suspicious for one program to contain 120 individual calls to it. It is better to encapsulate the calls to rand() in a local function (and disable or prevent function inlining) so the call to rand() actually only appears once. (This all depends on how the binary is linked, as the rand() call will probably refenerence a shared object run-time link map, but you get the idea.) Furthermore, any runtime-tracing of my program that follows would yield hundreds of rand() calls, which would seem to be suspicious. Well, that's it. Hope it sparked some interesting ideas. Comments welcome. Props: ------ Everyone at SSG/, harm, sierra, 976, & mohan Brief Program Description: -------------------------- Now, obfuscation is one thing: just that. No data is missing, it'd just harder to find. The goal here is to make it difficult enough to find the appropriate data that it becomes infeasible. In this example, I take the two largest static data chunks are add random amounts of (constrained) random data, as well as shifting the data a random amount. Specifically, I take a chunk of data, shift all the characters by a number between 1 and 255, and take the modular result. I also construct an initialization string for the clone program so it knows how much to un-shift. After that, I create a string that will initialize a hash in the clone program that contains a mapping of critical data (shifted), as well as a currently usable hash. Next, I flip a coin between each character (or character-equivalent, such as "\n"), and insert chaff data that is not present in the hash I just constructed, and is also not and escape (\) or single quote ('), as these would corrupt or terminate the data string when it is executed in the clone (got too lazy to escape them). In this manner, both the static data is transformed, and the "key" for the inverse transformation (the initialization strings in the clone) or dynamically generated. For more resistance, the ordering of these strings should be rearranged, split among multiple variables, and/or otherwise disguised to avoid being able to generate a regex-like fingerprint that requires no backtracking for the initialization strings. For more on backtracking and regular expression, see "Mastering Regular Expressions," by Jeffrey Friedl. The reason for both the shift and chaff is thus: A simple regex could be constructed to recognize shifted data, as you know that: (*) - (*) % 256 = x, (*) - (*) % 256 = y, ...etc..., and you yield a string that can be used in a regex-like engine that merely searched for: xyz... based on the value of each byte/word/long/etc. Granted, this would be more work, but does not seem infeasible. If only chaff were inserted, then we could come up with another simple regex to recognize the data: a*b*c* which again, requires no backtracking and my gut tells me is feasible. However, when we combine the two, it gets more difficult. The first case relied on data being adjacent, and the second case randomizes adjacency. For example, if we were scanning a file, and found that (*) - (*) % 256 != y we could stop scanning, and move back to the last place where adjacent data values yeilded x. However, with chaff data interspersed, we must continue scanning until the end or there is too little data left to finish the regex. The second case relies on a strict ordering principle, which the first mitigates since the shift is modular. All we can discern is that between two critical bytes, there can be (almost) any number of intervening bytes that may not be relevent, but that must be checked, and that the value of those two bytes subtracted (or added) mod 256 must be some value. With only one of the two options presented above, a regex to match the static data can just bail on the current match it's attempting and move on the next when the match first fails. When combined, we achieve a nice OR situation, where a failure could mean that the next byte is critical but shifted, or that it's garbage. These alternation situations kill regular expression engine performance. Forgive me for not doing big-O analysis, I don't know the most efficient/ optimized internal regex algorithms. If someone want to do them and feels like sharing, I'd be interested to see the differences. (Hopefully it's significant) Regardless, there's a lot more shifts, adds/subs, and divs/mods to scan one file than there would be otherwise. Have fun playing. _p ----->8----- snip [] -----8<----- #!/usr/bin/perl # Self-referencing, static-data permuting bizneratch-o-fun # # Writes a copy of itself out to STDOUT, and executes # $payload (which currently writes to STDERR. # # For best results: # $ ./ > replicate.dup # # # _p # # First big static data chunk: ##### Begin self definition ##### my $self = '#!/usr/bin/perl my $self = %c%s%c; my ($dq,$sq,$perc,$c,$esc) = (0x22,0x27,0x25,0x63,0x5c); my $a2o = sub { sprintf "%c.3o", $_[0]; }; my $cself; my $s_used_str; my $s_used = { %s }; my $s_shift_str; my $s_shift = %s; ($self,$cself,$s_used_str,$s_shift_str) = &obfuscate( $self, $s_used, $s_used_str, $s_shift ); my $payload = %c%s%c; my $cpayload; my $p_used_str; my $p_used = { %s }; my $p_shift_str; my $p_shift = %s; ($payload,$cpayload,$p_used_str,$p_shift_str) = &obfuscate( $payload, $p_used, $p_used_str, $p_shift ); print sprintf $self, $sq, $cself, $sq, $perc, $s_used_str, $s_shift_str, $sq, $cpayload, $sq, $p_used_str, $p_shift_str; my $quotes = chr($perc).chr($c); $payload =~ s/$quotes/chr($sq)/ge; eval $payload; exit; sub obfuscate { my ($data,$used,$used_str,$shift) = @_; my ($cdata,$shift_str); my @data = split //, $data; if( scalar( keys %$used ) > 1 ) { $data = ""; foreach my $char ( @data ) { $data .= $char if $used->{$char}; } @data = split //, $data; } if( $shift ) { $data = ""; foreach my $char ( @data ) { $data .= chr((ord($char)-$shift)%256); } @data = split //, $data; } my $new_shift = int(1+rand(255)); my @pdata = split //, $data; while( @pdata ) { my $char = shift(@pdata); my $nchr = chr((ord($char)+$new_shift)%256); if( $nchr eq chr($esc) || $nchr eq chr($sq) ) { $cdata .= chr($esc); } $cdata .= $nchr; } $shift_str = "$new_shift"; @pdata = split //, $cdata; %$used = map { $_ => 1 } @pdata; map { my $oct = $a2o->(ord($_)); $used_str .= chr($dq).chr($esc)."$oct".chr($dq)." => 1, "; } keys %$used; @pdata = split //, $cdata; $cdata = ""; while( @pdata ) { my $bit = int(rand(2)); if( $bit ) { my $rchar = chr(int(rand(256))); while( $used->{$rchar} || $rchar eq chr($sq) || $rchar eq chr($esc) ) { $rchar = chr(int(rand(256))); } $cdata .= $rchar; } next if int(rand(2)); my $char = shift(@pdata); if( $char eq chr($esc) ) { $cdata .= $char; $cdata .= shift(@pdata); } else { $cdata .= $char; } } return ($data,$cdata,$used_str,$shift_str); } '; ##### End self definition ##### # useful definitions my ($dq,$sq,$perc,$c,$esc) = (0x22,0x27,0x25,0x63,0x5c); # sprintf: typical way to references ourselves, but here we're just # defining this to avoid having to use a percent (%) sign in obfuscate(), # which has to appear in $self at the end ('cause that's where I put it), # and therefore % would be treated as a undefined hash in the clone if we # didn't sprintf() an extra $perc$c for it. That' difficult just 'cause # I think it's ugly to have perl functions at strung throught lexical codeflow. my $a2o = sub { sprintf "%.3o", $_[0]; }; my $cself; # We declare one and assinged it to the other so that on the # first invocation, we will be initialized to 'undef', and on future # clones, we'll actually have some data there. my $s_used_str; my $s_used = { $s_used_str }; my $s_shift_str; my $s_shift = $s_shift_str; ($self,$cself,$s_used_str,$s_shift_str) = &obfuscate( $self, $s_used, $s_used_str, $s_shift ); # Define me! my $payload = ' print STDERR "\nI%cm a copy\n\n"; '; # Do this stuff again for the payload my $cpayload; my $p_used_str; my $p_used = { $p_used_str }; my $p_shift_str; my $p_shift = $p_shift_str; ($payload,$cpayload,$p_used_str,$p_shift_str) = &obfuscate( $payload, $p_used, $p_used_str, $p_shift ); # Now sprintf() ourselves out a new clone. print sprintf $self, $sq, $cself, $sq, $perc, $s_used_str, $s_shift_str, $sq, $cpayload, $sq, $p_used_str, $p_shift_str; # Replace all occurances of "%c" in $payload with (') my $quotes = chr($perc).chr($c); $payload =~ s/$quotes/chr($sq)/ge; # Exec the payload eval $payload; exit; sub obfuscate { my ($data,$used,$used_str,$shift) = @_; my ($cdata,$shift_str); my @data = split //, $data; # If there's data in $used, i.e., we're a clone and have been permuted, # remove the bogus data. if( scalar( keys %$used ) > 1 ) { $data = ""; foreach my $char ( @data ) { $data .= $char if $used->{$char}; } @data = split //, $data; } # If there's data in $shift, i.e., we're a clone and have been shifted, # unsift if( $shift ) { $data = ""; foreach my $char ( @data ) { $data .= chr((ord($char)-$shift)%256); } @data = split //, $data; } # Create a new random shift amount, and shift everything. Make sure that # anything that gets shifted to an escape (\) gets escaped itself, so # whatever's next doesn't get escaped on accident. Also make sure we escape # any single quotes, as that would terminate the data string in the clone. my $new_shift = int(1+rand(255)); my @pdata = split //, $data; while( @pdata ) { my $char = shift(@pdata); my $nchr = chr((ord($char)+$new_shift)%256); if( $nchr eq chr($esc) || $nchr eq chr($sq) ) { $cdata .= chr($esc); } $cdata .= $nchr; } $shift_str = "$new_shift"; # Create the hash of critical data that's been shifted, so we (and the clone) # know what to keep. We also translate the declaration string values to # octal, to avoid problems w/ escape characters, etc. @pdata = split //, $cdata; %$used = map { $_ => 1 } @pdata; map { my $oct = $a2o->(ord($_)); $used_str .= chr($dq).chr($esc)."$oct".chr($dq)." => 1, "; } keys %$used; # Now, take the shifted data, and insert random lengths of chaff data at # random intervals. Make sure the chaff data isn't the same as shifted valid # data, as that would interfere w/ decoding. Also, make sure it's not an # escape or single quote, to avoid premature corruption or termination. :O # Could have allowed them and escaped them, this was just easier. @pdata = split //, $cdata; $cdata = ""; while( @pdata ) { my $bit = int(rand(2)); if( $bit ) { my $rchar = chr(int(rand(256))); while( $used->{$rchar} || $rchar eq chr($sq) || $rchar eq chr($esc) ) { $rchar = chr(int(rand(256))); } $cdata .= $rchar; } next if int(rand(2)); my $char = shift(@pdata); if( $char eq chr($esc) ) { $cdata .= $char; $cdata .= shift(@pdata); } else { $cdata .= $char; } } return ($data,$cdata,$used_str,$shift_str); } ----->8----- snip -----8<-----