Hacker Tools and their Signatures, Part Three: Rootkits
last updated August 14, 2001 |
This is the third installment of a series devoted to examining hacker tools and their signatures. In this installment we will be looking at some of the signatures related to the KOH rootkit. The purpose of this paper is to assist the reader in detecting the KOH rootkit. Through this process, it is hoped that the reader will also learn steps to take to defend against the installation of these types of rootkits. KOH Rootkit I first received this rootkit from a friend who asked me to look this over. After looking this over I realized that this rootkit was similar to t0rn and LRK but I figured that a write up on this rootkit was needed. One of the main goals I had when looking at this rootkit in addition to gaining signatures, was also to look at this from a "how can I prevent this from being installed on my machine" approach. I will be covering this approach a little later in the paper. The following figure is a list of files that come with the KOH rootkit:
Figure 1. File listing of the KOH rootkit Looking at figure 1 we see a few items that standout like a sore thumb. First, all the way at the top of the figure, we see the three-dot directory (…). That alone should raise a few red flags. Second, we see our typical binaries and installation files (i.e. ls, ps, netstat, install) that KOH replaces and uses. One thing that caught my eyes when I was looking though this rootkit was the owner(s) of these files. Notice that the owner is not root, but is 506. Keep this in mind because when we install this rootkit we will see that the ownerships do not change. We also see in figure a hosts.allow file and an inetd.conf file. Both of these files will be covered in detail a little later in the paper. Ok, we know what files this rootkit contains; now we want to begin looking for signs that this rootkit has been installed. The first sign and probably the easiest are comparing md5sums. For this paper we will not be looking at the known "good" sums that come with Redhat (or any Linux distro for that matter). Instead lets look at the md5sums of the KOH rootkit only.
Figure 2. KOH Md5sums Figure 2 shows us the md5sums associated with the KOH rootkit. Again, this is a good starting point when searching for a rootkit similar to KOH. The next step in my investigation is to look at the binaries KOH replaced. There are a couple of techniques that can be used to do this with Linux. The reason I look at the binaries first instead of looking for directories is that binaries hide keys that unlock doors to other directories a rootkit may use. Lets pick a couple of binaries to analyze and figure out more details. In this discussion we will be talking about tools such as lsattr, ltrace, strace, stat and strings. All of these tools come FREE with most versions of Linux. Lets begin by looking at /bin/ps. Yes, we could identify that /bin/ps had been hacked by looking at the md5sum but that would ruin all of the fun. First, let refer back to figure 1. In Figure 1. we see that ps is owned by UID 506 and GID 506. Well, this holds true after installation of the rootkit as well. What does that mean to us? This means that if you were to run ls -la you would see that the ownership of the file is different than normally (normally /bin/ps is owned by root). That alone should set off a red flag. If not, remember that SIZE DOES MATTER. Normally, a typical /bin/ps is 64K in size, whereas a "rooted" /bin/ps is almost 29k in size. Once you have confirmed that your binaries have been "rooted" and want to get a head start on finding more rootkit files then you might run strings on a binary such as /bin/ps. Figure 3 shows us the results of running strings on /bin/ps:
Figure 3. KOH /bin/ps strings output Figure 3 does not show the whole contents of strings, instead I have shown the part of strings that matters the most. What may that part be? Look at /var/.prc. /var/.prc instructs /bin/ps what processes to hide. Figure 4. shows us the contents of .prc:
Figure 4. .prc The next binary we will look at is /bin/ls. Again, lets check this binary owner:
Again, look at the owner of this file; it's 506 and not root. Also, look at the file size. The file size is 138283 bytes. Normally, /bin/ls is 46k in size. As discussed earlier this should raise some red flags. Let's take a look at the output of strings when ran against this version of /bin/ls:
Figure 6. KOH /bin/ls strings output Figure 6. shows us the output of strings when ran against /bin/ls with KOH. Again, for size sake I did not show the whole output. But look at /var/.kls, that is not normal. Let's take a look at what is hidden in /var/.kls:
Figure 7. /var/.kls output Figure 7. shows us a partial list of the files and directories this version of /bin/ls will hide. Before continuing I would like to point out that there are other tools that can be used instead of strings. The tools I use are ltrace and strace. I will use ltrace in our next binary that we will look at. Netstat is our final binary that we will look at. A normal netstat binary is 80k in size. With KOH installed the size of netstat is 30k. We know from the previous two binaries that the UID for the file will be 506. Let's take a look at an ltrace example and figure out what we are looking at.
Figure 8. ltrace example Figure 8. shows us an ltrace example. This was taken from the KOH netstat. Here we that it points out a .adr file. Let's see what the file looks like:
Figure 9. /var/.adr results Figure 9. is just a partial list of addresses or ports that this file will hide using the KOH's netstat ( some addresses have been changed to protect the guilty or innocent). Now we know that KOH hides three files under the /var directory. Let's move on and see where else KOH hides files. After looking through the install file I noticed that KOH hides file under /usr/bin/no. How can we find that out? Well, I was lucky and had the install file to look at but there is a nice little binary that comes with Linux that I like to use in these situations. The binary is lsattr. What is lsattr? Lsattr will list the attributes of the Linux EXT2 file system. When I am searching for a rootkit like KOH I use lsattr -a. The -a list all files in directories. The following is an example of using lsattr -a /usr/bin | grep no to detect KOH:
Figure 10. lsattr output Ok, we now know that KOH hides a file named knight under /usr/bin/no. When I found that out I looked at the file it's self and found out that it looked like an IRC bot. While playing with this file I caused it to core dump. Just for FYI here's the results of the core dump:
Figure 11. Core dump of the knight program Let's take a look at some more files that KOH installs. KOH replaces the inetd.conf file. I instead of showing the whole file I am just going to share what is added to inetd.conf file.
Figure 12. Inetd.conf additions Without going into to many details we can see that it opens up quite a few services. With netstat not working can we spell NMAP? KOH also adds some accounts into /etc/shadow. The following are the accounts that KOH add:
Figure 13. Password entries and results To save some space, figure 13 also shows the passwords that KOH uses to access the box. Protection Against Rootkits Rootkits are not at all new, but there are still a lot of people that have been "rooted" and have had one installed. This section will briefly cover some of the techniques that I recommend to use in order to protection yourself against rootkits. This is not a comprehensive list just a few recommendations.
Conclusions This rootkit was fun to analyze and interesting to learn about. There are many tools and procedures that can be used to detect these types of rootkits. This paper does not list them all. Hopefully, the techniques and tools I use here will help anyone who has to dissect a rootkit in future. |
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