Connecting to void and getting out alive - or how i managed to talk back without - opening my mouth by 0x00] preface 0x01] introduction 0x01.a] connecting to a closed/open port using udp example 1: open example 2: closed and connected example 3: closed and unconnected 0x01.b] setting obstacles 0x02] smelling the packet 0x03] writing the packets 0x04] home made clients x already avaible ones --- implementation --- 0x05] nailing down our design 0x06] an udp portless echo-server 0x06.a] testing grounds 0x06.b] kless-echo server with netcat example 1: slowing down kless-echo packets 0x06.c] kless-echo server with a crafted client 0x07] kless-bd, making it worthwhile 0x08] having fun with it, killing udp sockets 0x08.a] disrupting remote udp "connections" 0x09] final considerations 0xff] references 0x00] preface, As you might have noticed this article has two titles, one is the cool looking and "propaganda" oriented one, the other one better explain the situation and technics that are described on this paper. Since this is only the preface i wont be getting into some technical stuff (not yet ) instead i will try to elaborate the main goal of this article... The main goal (in theory) is to illustrate a way for you to communica- te using the client/server model but in a rather unusual way, you wont be opening any ports on the server side, but STILL be able to talk back to the client, using the two most common transport layers protocols (tcp udp) and no! there isnt any voodoo thing going on. However when it comes to actual code implementation supporting tcp becomes a painfull job, not that it is impossible, its just that tcp was so well designed that you would have to keep track of some many variables that makes it a boring job ( you will understand what im talking about in a few ), however with udp (which is also well designed and usefull - when you actually need something like that) it becomes a much easier task since udp isnt as reliable as tcp. So for our coding examples we will illustrate it with udp, but still I point the theorical way of implementing this on tcp. Having established our main article goal, we move onto other issues, such as: background information, you will be required to have some know ledge on how some parts (but not all) of the tcp/ip suite works, spe- cially when it comes to transport layer protocol and their interaction with icmp protocol ( the author feels that a person that has read [1][2] should be able to understand, implement, and further more advance into the topic in discussion ), some coding knowledge is also needed if you want to implement something as the author did, C was the choosed langua- ge ( we all know why ) to code the examples, the echo-server, and a few other toys. Following the same style as Richard Stevens did on [2], i will use a popular network diagnosis tool to show what goes on in/out the wire and further comment what went on in there ( tcpdump [3] is the tool used, since its format is cleaner ) and we will also use netcat [4], most of the refering tests were done on linux 2.4 machines and some on openbsd 3.1 machines (thanks to jofny and the crew for allowing some test to be done in it). A special thanks must be sent out to dm_, who enlightened my ideas when it was in dark places and for great night talks, and all other peo- ple that helped me along the way, including those that only appeared on my screen to make me enjoy better my computing time..., were also very important in the process of testing/coding and discussing the problems that oftenly appeared. To all the people that tested the code and didnt distribute it :) segfault, psyc_, cursed, electr0n, and others. Thanks! ps.: I should add that english is not my native language, so bare with me if i make any mistakes, redundancy, and other behaviors of foreign language student :) lets get dirty... 0x01] introduction, To quote Steven's on [2]: "1.8 Client-Server Model Most networking application are written assuming one side is the client and the other the server. The purpose of the application is for the server to provide some defined service for clients." This explains very well how the client-server model works it expects that a client connects to a well-known port number and in return receive some sort of service provided by the other end, while this is fairly simple, i will also illustrate the need of port numbers. "1.9 Port Numbers We said that TCP and UDP identify applications using 16-bit port numbers [...]" This sentence alone explains the use of the ip/port pair for both sides of the connection (client/server). Ok, having established this, we can assume that whenever a 16-bit port number is opened, some sort of communication is going to be provided in there, sometimes it can be a simple echo servers, some complex network application, or even systems backdoors. While this is still _very_ simple notions of the tcp/ip im- plementation, those two topics alone implies a series of afirmations: - whenever a port is open, it has to have some application listening on it (either client or server - the term listening is used loosely here so to include udp) - whenever a system administrator is able to notice an open port its possible (theorically, i mean - hello hackers) to determine which application is using it (netstat -nup for example) - if a port isnt open there cant be any communication in and out of it ( we shall see that ;)) - other affirmations that arent important to our discussion This article shall prove that it's possible to make the third affirma- tion somewhat wrong, and turn the second one into a more difficult task. Let's illustrate a bit on the third affirmation... 0x01.a] connecting to a closed/open ports using udp These two examples here, one connecting to an open port and the other one connecting to a closed udp port and the respectivelly tcpdump output will help us understand how does the udp and icmp works, and udp / ip relationship: example 1: connecting to an open port using netcat ( the importance of netcat will be explained later) first we will open an udp port on my local system: (root@dumped root)# nc -l -p 45654 -u -v listening on [any] 45654 ... on another terminal (but on the same machine) we do this: (root@dumped root)# nc dumped 45654 -u -v dumped.localdomain [] 45654 (?) open An interesting fact about udp is that there havent been any exchanged packet between the client and the server because udp is datagram orien- ted (meaning: it will only send one datagram whenever a output operation is issued, opposed to stream-oriented protocols such as tcp) ok, now let's exchange a few packets around: (on the client side:) testing 1 2 3 and on the server side there should be a string such as the one typed appearing on the terminal... Now we type something from the server to the client: (on the server side:) tested That string should also be printed on the client side terminal. We now kill our client with ctrl+c (just to illustrate that there arent any packets sent from one point to another saying that the port is being closed, thus ending the connection. We also have to force our way out the server's netcat (ctrl+c)) Okay, now let's take a look at the tcpdump: ---- (root@dumped tcpdump)# tcpdump -i lo -vv "udp port 45654" tcpdump: listening on lo 21:07:35.604902 dumped.localdomain.35279 > dumped.localdomain.45654: [udp sum ok] udp 14 (DF) (ttl 64, id 57347, len 42) 21:07:38.327324 dumped.localdomain.45654 > dumped.localdomain.35279: [udp sum ok] udp 7 (DF) (ttl 64, id 59205, len 35) as we can see the client has its own ip/port pair, and so does the server (dumped.localdomain port 35279 - dumped.localdomain port 45654) the first line shows an udp packet being sent with 14 bytes of payload from the client to server, and the second one shows the server packet going from the dumped.localdomain.45654 to dumped.localdomain.32279. ---- Okay, for the amount of things that we have done, this is a fairly small output to be seen, only two packets have been exchanged since the beggining of netcat and the closure of it (both). Now let's take a look at a connection directed to a closed port... example 2: connecting to a closed port using netcat Ok, now we dont have to setup the server, we will just load the client and tell it to send a datagram to some port that we know that isnt being used, here we go... (root@dumped root)# nc dumped 45654 -u -v dumped.localdomain [] 45654 (?) open testing 1 2 3 (root@dumped root)# as we can see, even with the verbose flag on the client just silently exited without giving us any reason to, right after we sent our first packet, the tcpdump will throw a little light on us: ---- (root@dumped tcpdump)# tcpdump -i lo -vv tcpdump: listening on lo 21:21:06.357749 dumped.localdomain.35279 > dumped.localdomain.45654: [udp sum ok] udp 14 (DF) (ttl 64, id 13922, len 42) 21:21:06.358074 dumped.localdomain > dumped.localdomain: icmp: dumped.localdomain udp port 45654 unreachable for dumped.localdomain.35279 > dumped.localdomain.45654: [udp sum ok] udp 14 (DF) (ttl 64, id 13922, len 42) [tos 0xc0] (ttl 64, id 33239, len 70) okay, we see two packets again, but there is something different this time, one of those is an icmp port unreachable message, and it was sent right after our udp packet got thru. Let's break this down into two pie- ces, the first line and the second one: The first line is an ordinary one and there isnt anything wrong with it (other then the fact that is aimed at a closed destination), the se- cond one however is much more interesting: Whenever you try to reach for a closed port, it's defined that the normal behavior should be for the kernel to discard that packet, and send a icmp port unreachable message back to the sender, and that's exactelly what tcpdump is seeing (notice that a portion of the packet is also sent back so that the kernel of the other system knows who generated the error and is able to notify the application) Looking at the netcat code (netcat.c) at line 842 we see the following: [..] rr = connect (nnetfd, (SA *)remend, sizeof (SA)); [..] and just a bit earlier on the code: if (o_udpmode) nnetfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); okay, first there is a SOCK_DGRAM (udp) socket created, and afterwards a connect is issued on that socket, again to quote Stevens on [1] we shall see that: "8.11 connect function with UDP we mentioned at the end of the Section 8.9 that asynchronous errors are not returned on UDP sockets unless the socket has been connec ted. Indeed, we are able to call connect for a UDP socket. But it does not result in anything like a TCP connection: There are no three-way handshake. Instead, the kernel just records the IP address and port number of the peer [...] With a connected UDP socket three things change, compared to the default unconnected UDP socket [...] 3. Asynchronous errors are returned to the process for a connec- ted UDP socket. The corrolary, as we previously described, is that an unconnected UDP socket does not receive any asynchro- nous errors. [...] If there is no other matching socket for the arriving datagram, UDP will discard it and generate an ICMP port unreachable error. [...]" And that just explained to us why have we received an icmp port unrea- chable message when using netcat (eg.: connect()'ed udp socket) and why was it sent to us. example 3: connecting to a closed port using an unconnected socket The reason that we only show the connection being made to a closed port is that the behavior is the same as the first example for both con- nected and unconnected socket (the changes are only important on the server application and transparent for the client process). We will use a fairly simple udp-client that simple reads from stdin and write to the socket, and reads from it (using select()) the main difference here is that it doesnt use the connect() function... let's see what happens: (root@dumped chpt8)# ./udp -a localhost -p 43564 testing [ctrl+c to quit] (root@dumped chpt8)# First notice that between the testing string that the ctrl+c there is a reasonable amount of time for the icmp packet to half round- trip and reach us delivering it's message, but that doesnt happen. the tcpdump shows the following: ---- (root@dumped tcpdump)# tcpdump -i lo -n -v tcpdump: listening on lo 21:52:11.849172 > [udp sum ok] udp 8 (DF) (ttl 64, id 0, len 36) 21:52:11.849207 > icmp: udp port 43564 unreachable [tos 0xc0] (ttl 64, id 21362, len 64) The first line is the packet being sent from the client and the second one is the icmp message going from (talking on behalf of port 43564) to, however notice that the datagram sent to the closed port isnt attached to the message, this makes it impossible for the application on port 35279 to receive it, so the kernel silently discards it, and the sender never gets that packet... Okay, so now maybe you're wondering what all that has to do with communicating with closed ports? First we are setting the grounds where we will be stepping so that afterwards we can jump to the actual code... 0x01.b] setting obstacles Now that we have seen the normal behavior of most systems when it comes to those three described scenarios we will nail down what are the possible obstacles that we might encounter on the way of communicating without opening any ports on one of the sides... Let's imagine the server side (the client side isnt worth discussing): * not have any open ports (duh!) * be able to get a copy of those packets that are meant to us (even if we are closed) * be able to write an answer back to the wire (without using the normal calls (read, write, etc) since we wont have an open socket) * if the packets get's to the client (and the client is connect() 'ed) we will want to be as fast as we can so that our packet get's to the client host before the icmp port unreachable ( if the client doesnt issue a connect() then this obstacle is already bypassed ) Ok, that is about all our troubles (some are easy todo, others arent) as you might have imagined the second and the third are the most important, this is what we will try to do on the next chapters... 0x02] smelling the packet When a packet arrives at the server interface, it goes it's way up to the application layer ( if it's succesfull ) stepping inside func- tions that are able to handle those headers (interprete them and discard them as needed). So, let's take a look at a datagram being sent from a client to a closed port on the server side... (we already have an example of this on some tcpdump dump's) ---- 21:21:06.357749 dumped.localdomain.35279 > dumped.localdomain.45654: [udp sum ok] udp 14 (DF) (ttl 64, id 13922, len 42) ---- Okay, what was sent was: "testing 1 2 3\n", a total of 14 bytes of payload (can we count? :)) how the hell did tcpdump knew what was sent if there isnt any open ports on the server side? Its because when it comes to udp, all you need to have to send something to someone is to be able to send one (and only one) packet... The payload is already sent, without any checks if the other end is avaible or not. So if on the other side we are able to sniff some packets we could see that payload (the one that was meant for an open port)... So if that datagram got to the transport layer and then it was discar- ded, it means that we can get our hands on it before that and see its contents, (can you say packet sniffing?) so how does tcpdump do it? It uses something called libpcap (pcap = packet capturing) which is a kick ass library that allow you to capture packets in the most convenient way possible... What libpcap allows an application todo is directly access the data- link layer, with that ability one can: * watch the packets that are received by the datalink layer (and notice that this is before the transport layer when it comes to inbound packets) * run things in user-land that normally would have to be ran in kernel-mode (for direct access to the packet while it is inside the kernel - RARP for instance) Libpcap is implementation-independent, and with it you can watch those packets in real time ( check [3] for more ), what we will do with it, is get a copy of that packet and handle it by ourselves (of course we will have to code some functions that will allow us to walk thru the packet).. This is the solution for half of the problem proposed on the second obstacle, the other part is that pcap allow us to get our hands on every packet that gets to the datalink layer (before it - when its going down the stack - and after - when it's going up) so how will we differentiate the packet that we want from the ones we dont? BPF (Berkeley Packet Fil- ter) is just what we want. It provides an ASCII interface for filte- ring rules that can be put together with pcap using the pcap_compile function, thus we would only get the packet that we are interested in (as if we were using an open port, and only receive those that are sent directly to us :)) 0x03] writing the packets Now, our next obstacle is how to be able to answer the client back (and as fast as we can)? We will use the popular packet forging library Libnet 1.1 [5], but mainly anything you use for packet forging will work fine... This is probly the easiest part of the whole code since we have all information that we might need from the packet,if we were doing this using tcp, all syn's ack's and whatnot would be easilly avaible to use) Okay, we have now stablished our "read" and "write" functions, let's step a bit into actual implementation for now 0x04] home made clients x already avaible ones Okay, when trying to communicate to our server, we will need a client, so, what to use? netcat, or something that is already avaible or should we code one specific for us? Hell yeah, we should code one for us, one that doesnt issue connect() on a given socket, and one that suits our needs perfectly. However if we were trying to implement something legit, let's say a real tftp server without opening any ports on the server side (why?) we- ll we would have to find a way to circunvent those icmp message packets sent from our kernel (cruel hacks can be involved in here :)) In this text I will mainly focus on specially-crafted clients since it will save us a whole lot of time and more important coding time, which wouldnt help us (if the server is legit, then why not use open ports? We will come back to that in a few) 0x05] nailing down our design As the title might have sugested to you, we are going to nail down the design of our code... Given what we have already discussed, we can notice that the code actually consist of two main modules: a) a reading module b) a writing module We will take a closer look at those, and try to prepare the ground for our code to begin... 0x05.a] reading module Our reading module will mainly consist of a libpcap engine that will read the packet from the wire, and demultiplex it until we are able to reach for it's payload. First we will need to specify a device for us to listen (ill go ahead and assume that we will be using ether net - so any changes needed you will have todo it on your own). After- wards, we will open it using pcap_open_live() ( i decided to not use it in promiscuos mode since we want to be very restrict when it comes to which packets to let in and what not). Now it comes to an interesting part, setting up the bpf filter program (pcap_compile, pcap_filter) we will discuss more on specific bpf filtering rules in a minute. I decided to use pcap_loop instead of other approaches since its what ressembles a infinite for(;;) loop as i could find, now we have to specify our call back function to use with pcap_loop. The call back function ( you have to keep in mind ) will begin on the top of packet (ethernet header) or,if you will, on the first layer of the tcp/ip stack, most of the things you will be doing is mapping the packet using some well-known header structures and fetching the values as you walk thru the packet. Keep in mind that you will need at least three functions: One to handle the ethernet header, other to handle the ip header, and another for the udp header ( link, network, transport layer respectivelly). Yes, you could just stuff them together but will that do you any good? 0x05.b] writing module I decided to use libnet [5] since it's widely used and supported, and their 1.1 release is awesome. When we are constructing a packet we have to keep in mind that a down-to-top approach might be better for the eye (if not needed), so we initiate the libnet thingie doing a libnet_init and afterwards libnet_build_udp(), keep in mind, and this is important that everything you can possibly need from the clients packet in order to make our packet legit is avaible to us also be sure to swap the dest and source ports ( i can imagine people wondering why it isnt working, just because of this :)), if you will eventually include any payload you might want to do it right now. Now we move down one layer, and build the ip header, again we need to swap to source/dest ip addresses. We pretty much dont mess with the IP header since there isnt any "sensitive" information in there for us to use or to be very aware of. We can issue libnet_write() and send the packet now ( i dont see why we would need to construct the link layer header - so i specified it LIBNET_RAW4 - if you feel the need be my guest, it's only a couple mo- re lines to add) Those two modules will be our new read() and write() functions, because that's what they are doing for us, in an analogy to "real" servers and clients. By the way, kless is the name of the application we are implementing (kless-* for some specific server), kless stand for konnection less (all proprs to this name must go to dm_ :)). 0x06] an udp portless echo-server In essence an echo-server just sends back to the client whatever the client sent to us (only less simple than a server that discard whatever the client sends to us (oopss!)), if we were todo something like that using "real" servers, a simple read() and write() passing the received buffer from the first to the second, and thats what we will do: We will grab the payload using our reading module (pcap) and use our writing module (libnet) to send it back to the client. I wont paste the code in here but you can find it in the package avaible with this text under the name /kless-echo/kless-echo.c, for now we will just discuss the use of it, and analysis of it's behavior using tcpdump. 0x06.a] testing ground I wont be testing things locally no more, instead i will use the dev box as our clients, and my computer as the server. I will use ssh to access the, so any tcp noise you might see is probly from there, and run tcpdump locally on my computer, (if i feel the need to illustrate the tcpdump dump on the client side i will), both machines are linux 2.4, both use ethernet, any other vital information will by described at site, so let's watch those dumps ip address hostname 0x06.b] kless-echo with netcat Let's begin, first let's load kless-echo in one terminal screen: (root@dumped kless)# ./kless-echo -i eth0 -b "udp port 7" Okay, let's take a look at what we just did: -i specify the interface that we want to listen on (notice that there is some implications that comes with the interface you choose, such as ip to send the packet to, device type and so on... choose wiselly), as you might also noticed -b set's the BPF filter that we talked about earlier, notice the filter that we are using implies that the udp packet be sent towards port num- ber 7 (for more information on bpf filtering - man tcpdump). We also set the tcpdump locally as: (root@dumped tcpdump)# tcpdump -i eth0 -vv "host" This is will specify that we want all packets matching the host to be copied and sent to us ( the reason im not only interested in udp packet is because i want to see icmp packets and tcp also) Let's begin: the client will send packets to the kless-echo host, and we will look at things from the tcpdump prespective... Also notice that when a line becomes to big, we will break it in two, you can differ them by the time stamps, notice that working with tcpdump and putting them in a text is something that sometimes can go the wrong way, bare with me. ---- tcpdump: listening on eth0 > P 3500106949:3500106997(48) ack 3199943733 win 36200 (DF) [tos 0x10] (ttl 64, id 58063, len 100) > P 1:49(48) ack 48 win 8576 (DF) [tos 0x10] (ttl 49, id 21427, len 100) > . [tcp sum ok] 48:48(0) ack 49 win 36200 (DF) [tos 0x10] (ttl 64, id 58064, len 52) What we saw in here was the exchange of packets during an ssh session which was left on the following position: [setuid@spigger setuid]$ ./nc -u 7 -v [] 7 (echo) open lalal [waiting for me to press enter, thus submitting the datagram containing "lalal\n" as payload] What has happened on those three lines, it's the enter being transmit- ted from to the ssh server, and the server answering back to us that he has acknowledged the data (and possible screen re-setting and other stuffs). This isnt important to us, so we will be cutting them of for now on... ---- ---- 18:03:14.720518 > [udp sum ok] udp 6 (DF) (ttl 49, id 36292, len 34) After the enter key has been pressed, netcat sends the datagram to us using the source port 44641 and as dest port 7, directed to the server that is running kless-echo ---- ---- 18:03:14.731847 > [udp sum ok] udp 6 (ttl 64, id 50317, len 34) Now comes the interesting part, when the packet has arrived at 19733 eth0 interface, both kless-echo ( using pcap and bpf ) and the kernel received a copy of the packet, kless begins demultiplexing the packet thru the higher layers and thanks to the well defined bpf filter we are able to only receive the packets that we are interested in, after the payload has been reached, it's passed on to the writing module (libnet) we build our packet, making it look like as if it was sent from an open port... We can be pretty sure that this packet made thru all the layers on the clients host and appeared as if it was an actual answer. Also notice that tcpdump is listening on the wire so the fact that port 7 is shown in there has nothing todo with the fact that it's either open or closed. Another good thing to point out is that the packet pay- load is only 6 bytes long ( err, so is "lalal\n" :)) ---- ---- 18:03:14.731992 > icmp: udp port 7 unreachable for > [udp sum ok] udp 6 (ttl 64, id 36292, len 34) [tos 0xc0] (ttl 64, id 46927, len 62) Houston, we have a problem. Kless-echo worked perfectly the client has received it's packet and think that it's talking to an open port, 19733 knows nothing about port 7 being opened except from the fact that it's appearing on the wire however as we said the kernel can be late but ne- ver fails, even if we were able to send our libnet crafted packet fast enough to get there before the icmp port unreachable message, the ker- nel still sends it, and the client will receive it (and since it's net- cat and it's connect()'ed it will exit). So from this dump we can think of some possible scenarios to happen: 1) if the udp client (netcat) receive an icmp port unreachable message before it is able to receive our libnet crafted aket, it will simply think that the port is closed and silently exit it self 2) if kless-echo is able to write that packet faster then the icmp message and the client isnt connected, we will have our jack pot and the fact that the port is closed will be transparent to the client 3) if kless-echo is able to write the packet faster then the kernel but still the client is connected, the client will receive our packet but afterwards it will receive an icmp port unreachable (put your- self on the client position, what would you be thinking? :)) thus it will exit. The effect of this example on the netcat client is the following: [setuid@spigger setuid]$ ./nc -u 7 -v [] 7 (echo) open lalal <---- typed by the client lalal <---- sent from kless-echo, and sometime after the client receive the icmp message and exit's [setuid@spigger setuid]$ * The output on the kless-echo is irrelevant to the discussion. example.1: slowing down kless-echo packets Just to illustrate the first of the possible scenarios that could happen, we insert this on the kless-echo code: #ifdef DELAY_TO_FOOL_CONNECT sleep(5); #endif This is inserted right before the call to our writing module (after our read module has returned), extanding the time for kless-echo to se- nd the packet, the reason that we do this is to ensure that the icmp message from the kernel gets to the client before our crafted packet, making netcat exit before its able to see kless-echo packet. Let's begin: ---- 18:40:25.480748 > [udp sum ok] udp 5 (DF) (ttl 49, id 3220, len 33) the packet sent from the (udp) towards the kless server... ---- ---- 18:40:25.480788 > icmp: udp port 7 unreachable for > [udp sum ok] udp 5 (DF) (ttl 49, id 3220, len 33) [tos 0xc0] (ttl 64, id 62835, len 61) this time the kernel is able to process the packet faster then us thus receives the packet first see's that it is a port unreachable and silently exits... ---- ---- 18:40:30.481507 > [udp sum ok] udp 5 (ttl 64, id 37900, len 33) late but still on the wire, the packet that kless generated in response to the one sent from, (since it's an echo server the sizes match equally and length's also) ---- However, this time netcat is already closed, and so is the udp so- cket and port we are trying to reach, this forces host to generate an icmp port unreachable the other way around... ---- 18:40:30.705201 > icmp: udp port 44643 unreachable for > [udp sum ok] udp 5 (ttl 48, id 37900, len 33) [tos 0xc0] (ttl 49, id 64455, len 61) This icmp packet is telling the kless host that there isnt anyone on port 44643 on, and it attached the udp packet that forced this message to be sent out... ---- ---- 18:40:35.483663 > icmp: udp port 7 unreachable for > [udp sum ok] udp 5 (ttl 64, id 3220, len 33) [tos 0xc0] (ttl 64, id 62836, len 61) In a funny scenario, knows nothing about an open udp port 7, so how come that message got sent to us? In reply to the icmp packet, sends another icmp port un- reachable back... hehe the server kernel does nothing about that first udp header attached to the icmp message. ---- The client terminal will be looking like this: [setuid@spigger setuid]$ ./nc -u 7 -vv [] 7 (echo) open lala sent 5, rcvd 0 [setuid@spigger setuid]$ I think that does it for now, we move on to greater things and leave netcat alone... 0x06.c] kless-echo server with a crafted client First of all, by crafted client i mean a client that doesnt issue a connect() call on the udp socket, even if this looks like such a li- ttle change, it makes a big difference. Let's illustrate our crafted client: It's a simple udp client, blocked on select(), it will read from stdin and write to the socket and read from the socket and print it to stdout. So let's see what happens... First we will setup the kless-echo server: (root@dumped kless)# ./kless-echo -i eth0 -b "udp port 7" [#] listening device: eth0 (....) Next we will load tcpdump: (root@dumped kless)# tcpdump -i eth0 -vv "host and not tcp" tcpdump: listening on eth0 And on the system (we will show the complete output) [setuid@spigger setuid]$ ./udp -p 7 -a testing 1 2 3 <---- input sent datagram to: returned data: testing 1 2 3 sending it again <---- input sent datagram to: returned data: sending it again [setuid@spigger setuid]$ Now let's take a look at the tcpdump output: ---- 00:23:33.719890 > [udp sum ok] udp 14 (DF) (ttl 49, id 0, len 42) The udp packet being sent from to ---- ---- 00:23:33.719963 > icmp: udp port echo unreachable for > [udp sum ok] udp 14 (DF) (ttl 49, id 0, len 42) [tos 0xc0] (ttl 64, id 24289, len 70) The kernel managed to send the icmp message before kless-echo was able to send it's own packet however our crafted client doesnt issue a connect() on the udp socket, so the kernel doesnt know where to send that message to (so it will sillently discard it) ---- ---- 00:23:33.720716 > [udp sum ok] udp 14 (ttl 64, id 24290, len 42) Now the kless-echo packet get's thru the wire and reach the client ---- ---- 00:23:46.727971 > [udp sum ok] udp 17 (DF) (ttl 49, id 0, len 45) The client sends in another datagram towards 19733.echo ---- ---- 00:23:46.728047 > icmp: udp port echo unreachable for > [udp sum ok] udp 17 (DF) (ttl 49, id 0, len 45) [tos 0xc0] (ttl 64, id 24292, len 73) And 19733 sends another icmp message saying that the port is closed ---- ---- 00:23:46.728455 > [udp sum ok] udp 17 (ttl 64, id 24293, len 45) Here is kless-echo response to the previously packet sent by the client ---- What have we learned from this is to not use nc or any application that call's connect() on a udp socket, because whenever that client receives that icmp port unreachable message it will exit, and that's not what we want. 0x07] kless-bd, making it worthwhile Now our mission is to make something that is worthwhile for us ( say a remote shell? ), in order to do that we will need to have code with at least 4 modules: 1) read module ( pcap ) 2) write module ( libnet ) 3) read from shell module 4) write to shell module The way that our code is going to work is something like this: [ packet ]----> read by pcap --> sent to the shell as a command --. .----------------------------------------------------------------' `---> interpreted --> response read --> answer sent back by libnet This will be our main loop. however, we encounter one problem while its easy to hook a socket with a execve'd shell and make everything that is written to the socket to be sent to the shell its twice as hard to do the same thing when you dont have a socket opened, we will need to use pipe(2) to hook up stdin, stdout, stderr and after- wards select thru the pipes in order to see if something is avaible for read or not [ the code example of kless-bd is avaible in the package where this text came from... /kless/kless-bd/ ] 0x08] having fun with it, killing udp sockets Okay, so now you know what it takes for you to fool other applications into thinking that "someport" is opened when its not, the key thing in here is to be able of either bypass the icmp port unreachable ( being fast enough to get to the final destination first) or using a unconnect()ed socket on the other side but for now lets invert the point of view, and approach thing from the client side... Whenever the client side receives an icmp port unreachable it look for any opened socket (ports) associated with the returned pa- cket ( if none is found, the packet - icmp - is silently discarded ) so the only method for the client side to know either a port is opened or closed is thru icmp port unreachable, so if we are able to forge such packet could we kill a udp socket that is connect()ed? Sure we could... But one must figure that this shouldnt be an easy task: what sort of verification is made by the kernel in order to verify if the packet is authentic? The pratical answer is none, the theorical ans- wer is only a few basic checks are made... While I discovered this by accident after i assembled udpkill.c together, I only tested it against kernel 2.4.18 but its possible that other systems doesnt co- mmit to this fault. Okay first of all lets take a look at a icmp port unreachable message: [ IP HEADER ] - 20 BYTES [ ICMP HEADER ] - 8 BYTES [ IP HEADER OF THE RETURNED DATAGRAM ] - 20 BYTES [ UDP HEADER OF THE RETURNED DATAGRAM ] - at least 8 BYTES the icmp header can be disassembled into this: [ type ( 3 ) ][ code ( 3 ) ][ check sum ] --8 bytes in total [ unused ] --' [ IP HEADER INCLUDING OPTIONS + first 8 bytes of the udp header ] As we can see, whats difficult of forging in here are the ip header and the udp header, in order to make it look like as if it came from the actual server/client, so we can have two approaches: a) make a sniff+write code, that would sniff the datagrams that you would like to kill, retrieving all the necessary infor- mation ( ip header + udp header ) directly from the wire and being able to assemble a perfect looking icmp port unreacha- ble message b) trying to guess the necessary information inside the headers and assembly a flawed packet expecting to match every auth made by the kernel, thus causing the socket to exit The first approach is the most secure and the one we implement in udpkill.c however the second approachis still valid and worth try- ing ( i know some of you will, see 0x08.a :)) a) the first approach must consist of two modules, a reading one ( using pcap ) and a writing one ( using libnet ) you will specify the packets that you want to kill by setting a specific BPF filter nailing down exactly what you want, after you received the packet from the socket that you want to kill, it will pass down the information needed to the writing module which will build the icmp message and write it down the wire... [ the author must thank duhru for helping him with the libnet code for icmp unreachable messages, since libnet only allow you to pass the ip header, duhru alerted me to pass the udp header as part of the payload ( thus being right before the ip header ), this really saved my day :) ] let's see some examples: (root@dumped kless)# nc -v -u -l -p 4666 listening on [any] 4666 ... on another machine ( box ) [setuid@spigger setuid]$ ./nc -u -v 4666 [] 4666 (?) open 12345 [ the enter key wasnt pressed ] on the server side ( first terminal ) we execute udpkill: (root@dumped kless)# ./udpkill -i eth0 -b "udp dst port 4666" and afterwards (root@dumped kless)# tcpdump -i eth0 -vvv not tcp We let the engine work, by pressing enter on the client side, these are tcpdump dumps: ---- tcpdump: listening on eth0 19:33:49.789277 > [udp sum ok] udp 6 (DF) (ttl 49, id 59845, len 34) This is the udp packet being sent from the client to the server (no- tice the src/dst port and the id number ) ---- By the time that the packet reaches the system, udpkill grabbs a copy of it, and start working on the forgery of the icmp port unrea- chable message, however, another copy of the packet reaches the ac- tual opened socket, and its payload is shown on that terminal. In the meanwhile, udpkill's packet is ready and sent across the wire, this is what tcpdump sees... ---- 19:33:49.790980 > icmp: udp port 4666 unreachable for > [bad udp cksum 7699!] udp 6 (ttl 64, id 59845, len 28) (ttl 64, id 31703, len 74) This dump is saying that the udp port 4666 is unreachable for the packet just sent by to our local port 4666, the effect of this packet on systems is the closure of netcat, that thinks that port 4666 on 200.179.197 .33 is closed ( when is actually not ). Notice that the length of the packet returned is 8 bytes shorter... ---- By now one of the sockets is probly closed and thinks that the udp port is closed ( when in fact its not ). On things to no- tice is that if you issue a netstat -un on the server side: (setuid@dumped setuid)$ netstat -un Active Internet connections (w/o servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State udp 0 0 ESTABLISHED (setuid@dumped setuid)$ It thinks that the connection is established (udp-wise) since it re- ceived the packet from, and thinks that everything is normal :) 0x08.a] disrupting remote udp "connections" sub-title: without having anything todo with the connection Okay, as the title might have explained, this sub-chapter will explain a another approach in order to kill udp sockets, but this one is far more serious than the previous one. In this chapter i will explain a way to kill remote udp sockets without having to know anything about it ( actually, you need to know on- ly a few things ), note that this was only tested on the 2.4 series, so this can be a non-standart behaviour of some systems. Okay, let's imagine computer A ( ) is originating a udp con- nection to the computer B ( - ), however at computer B ( the udp-server ) there is hacker ( wh0a! ) who wants to kill that communication, but he is only a normal-user with non-super-user priviledges, what does he do!? First of, the client ( ) has to start a udp connection to the server ( ) secondly, whenever that first packet is sent and recei- ved, if _any_ local user ( regardless of super-user status ) issues a netstat -un command it will see both source/destination port number involved in the connecti- on. What an attacker can do, is to launch an attack from his own machine ( as ro- ot ) where he can assemble packets with any source/dest address/port towards the client as if he was the server. What many of you are thinking is that there is no way for the attacker to know the id of the received ip+udp packet, thus the other system kernel will just discard the packet. However with my testing made on 2.4.18-27.8.0 ( server ) and the client 2.4.18-19.7.x, it seems that the kernel itself doesnt do a very strict search on the returned ip+udp packet, thus even if we send an ip id field zeroed still the ports involved in the udp packet gets shut down, and the connection lo- oks terminated to the client side. I've a assemble a tool called unreach.c that will send a icmp port unrea- chable message allowing you to specify the port numbers that are involved on the connection, so we build the payload on-the-fly including the newly created udp packet inside of it, this is the perfect tool to test the condition/attack des- cribed as above. 0x09] final considerations While i tried to explain a bit about the way udp handle itself in various conditions and situations, I still think that the best way to reach the same conclusions as many did is to look up thru the source code and actually trying yourself to implement something like kless-bd, kless-echo, or udpkill... Another thing to mention is that the code avaible with this text is far from being done and a lot of smalls fixes could make it a good application to use ( backdoor-wise ), hope some of you understand the reason for this... [0xff] references: [1] - TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1 - The protocols. W. Richard Stevens [2] - Unix Network Programming, volume 1 - Networking APIs: Sockets and XTI W. Richard Stevens [3] - [4] - [5] -