NOP Equivalent opcodes for shellcodes - Canonical List Used by snort:spp_fnord.c nop sled detector - Information on this polymorphic mutated shelcode detection will be provided at CanSecWest/core02 - and SANS Real World Intrusion Detection - Please mail any additions or mistakes to Dragos Ruiu ( v1.0 - 2002 Feb 26 Arch Code (hex, 00=wild) Opcode ---- ----------------- --------------------- HPPA 08 21 02 9a xor %r1,%r1,%r26 HPPA 08 41 02 83 xor %r1,%r2,%r3 HPPA 08 a4 02 46 or %r4,%r5,%r6 HPPA 09 04 06 8f shladd %r4,2,%r8,%r15 HPPA 09 09 04 07 sub %r9,%r8,%r7 HPPA 09 6a 02 8c xor %r10,%r11,%12 HPPA 09 cd 06 0f add %r13,%r14,%r15 Sprc 20 bf bf 00 bn -random IA32 27 daa ' IA32 2f das / IA32 33 c0 xor %eax,%eax IA32 37 aaa 7 IA32 3f aas ? IA32 40 inc %eax @ IA32 41 inc %ecx A IA32 42 inc %edx B IA32 43 inc %ebx C IA32 44 inc %esp D IA32 45 inc %ebp E IA32 46 inc %esi F IA32 47 inc %edi G IA32 48 dec %eax, H IA32 4a dec %edx J IA32 4b dec %ebx K IA32 4c dec %esp L IA32 4d dec %ebp, M IA32 4e dec %esi N IA32 4f dec %edi O IA32 50 push %eax P IA32 51 push %ecx Q IA32 52 push %edx R IA32 53 push %ebx S IA32 54 push %dsp T IA32 55 push %ebp U IA32 56 push %esi V IA32 57 push %edi W IA32 58 pop %eax X IA32 59 pop %ecx Y IA32 5a pop %edx Z IA32 5b pop %ebx [ IA32 5d pop %ebp ] IA32 5e pop %esi ^ IA32 5f pop %edi _ IA32 60 pusha ` IA32 6b c0 00 imul N,%eax Sprc 81 d0 20 00 tn random IA32 83 e0 00 and N,%eax IA32 83 c8 00 or N,%eax IA32 83 e8 00 sub N,%eax IA32 83 f0 00 xor N,%eax IA32 83 f8 00 cmp N,%eax IA32 83 f9 00 cmp N,%ecx IA32 83 fa 00 cmp N,%edx IA32 83 fb 00 cmp N,%ebx IA32 83 c0 00 add N,%eax IA32 85 c0 test %eax,%eax IA32 87 d2 xchg %edx,%edx IA32 87 db xchg %ebx,%ebx IA32 87 c9 xchg %ecx,%ecx Sprc 89 a5 08 22 fadds %f20,%f2,%f4 IA32 8c c0 mov %es,%eax IA32 8c e0 mov %fs,%eax IA32 8c e8 mov %gs,%eax IA32 90 regular NOP IA32 91 xchg %eax,%ecx IA32 92 xchg %eax,%edx IA32 93 xchg %eax,%ebx HPPA 94 6c e0 84 subi,OD 42,%r3,%r12 IA32 95 xchg %eax,%ebp IA32 96 xchg %eax,%esi Sprc 96 23 60 00 sub %o5, 42,%o3 Sprc 96 24 80 12 sub %l2,%l2,%o3 IA32 97 xchg %eax,%edi IA32 98 cwtl Sprc 98 3e 80 12 xnor %i2,%l2,%o4 IA32 99 cltd IA32 9b fwait IA32 9c pushf IA32 9e safh IA32 9f lahf Sprc a0 26 e0 00 sub %i3, 42,%l0 Sprc a2 03 40 12 add %o5,%l2,%l1 Sprc a2 0e 80 13 and %i2,%l3,%l1 Sprc a2 1a 40 0a xor %o1,%o2,%l1 Sprc a2 1c 80 12 xor %l2,%l2,%l1 Sprc a4 04 e0 00 add %l3, 42,%l2 Sprc a4 27 40 12 sub %i5,%l2,%l2 Sprc a4 32 a0 00 orn %o2, 42,%l2 IA32 b0 00 mov N,%eax Sprc b2 03 60 00 add %o5, 42,%i1 Sprc b2 26 80 19 sub %i2,%i1,%i1 HPPA b5 03 e0 00 addi,OD 42,%r8,%r3 HPPA b5 4b e0 00 addi,OD 42,%r10,%r11 Sprc b6 06 40 1a add %i1,%i2,%i3 Sprc b6 16 40 1a or %i1,%i2,%i3 Sprc b6 04 80 12 add %l2,%l2,%i3 Sprc b6 03 60 00 add %o5, 42,%i3 Sprc ba 56 a0 00 umul %i2, 42,%i5 IA32 c1 c0 00 rol N,%eax IA32 c1 c8 00 ror N,%eax IA32 c1 e8 00 shr N,%eax HPPA d0 e8 0a e9 shrpw %r8,%r7,8,%r9 IA32 f5 cmc IA32 f7 d0 not %eax IA32 f8 clc IA32 f9 stc IA32 fc cld