4. The language of evil


"Evil does seek to maintain power by suppressing the truth."

"Or by misleading the innocent."

  Spock and McCoy, "And The Children Shall Lead", stardate 5029.5.

The fancy output format of The address of main was chosen for a reason. It is valid input for /bin/sh. Let's see whether In the language of mortals has main at the same offset.

Command: src/magic_elf/ndisasm.sh
. ${OUT}/magic_elf/addr_of_main
ndisasm -e ${ofs} -o ${main} -U ${TMP}/magic_elf/magic_elf \
| sed -e '/ret/q'

Output: out/redhat-linux-i386/magic_elf/ndisasm
08048460  55                push ebp
08048461  89E5              mov ebp,esp
08048463  83EC0C            sub esp,byte +0xc
08048466  6A03              push byte +0x3
08048468  6801800408        push dword 0x8048001
0804846D  6A01              push byte +0x1
0804846F  E8A4FEFFFF        call 0x8048318
08048474  31C0              xor eax,eax
08048476  89EC              mov esp,ebp
08048478  5D                pop ebp
08048479  C3                ret

Both programs have main at the same file offset. Unfortunately a brief look through /bin proves this to be pure chance.

Instead of a real system call for write we see a call to strange negative address (check the opcode). ndisasm(1) resolves this address to a location in glibc. However, during development I encountered a configuration of my system where ndisasm(1) failed to do so. The rest of the story is still interesting, though. Yet another way to do it.

Command: src/magic_elf/gdb.sh
gdb ${file} -q <<EOT | sed -n -e '/:/p' -e '/ret *$/q' -e '/hlt *$/q'
	set disassembly-flavor intel
	disassemble ${func}

Output: out/redhat-linux-i386/magic_elf/gdb
(gdb) (gdb) Dump of assembler code for function main:
0x8048460 <main>:	push   ebp
0x8048461 <main+1>:	mov    ebp,esp
0x8048463 <main+3>:	sub    esp,0xc
0x8048466 <main+6>:	push   0x3
0x8048468 <main+8>:	push   0x8048001
0x804846d <main+13>:	push   0x1
0x804846f <main+15>:	call   0x8048318 <write>
0x8048474 <main+20>:	xor    eax,eax
0x8048476 <main+22>:	mov    esp,ebp
0x8048478 <main+24>:	pop    ebp
0x8048479 <main+25>:	ret    

That strange negative address resolves to a function in a shared library. Not shown is a pathetic attempt to single-step to the actual code of write.

4.1. In doubt use force

We can now search for a fine manual explaining how to debug shared libraries. Or just compile the bugger static.

Command: src/magic_elf/cc_static.sh
gcc ${CFLAGS} -static ${OUT}/${arch}/magic_elf/magic_elf.c \
	-o ${TMP}/magic_elf/magic_elf_static \
&& ls -l ${TMP}/magic_elf \
&& ${TMP}/magic_elf/magic_elf_static

Output: out/redhat-linux-i386/magic_elf/magic_elf_static
total 1668
-rwxr-xr-x    1 alba     anonymou    13711 Jun 30 00:06 magic_elf
-rwxr-xr-x    1 alba     anonymou  1687693 Jun 30 00:06 magic_elf_static

Seems we found an easy way to fill up the hard disk. Anyway, what has gdb(1) to say about it?

Output: out/redhat-linux-i386/magic_elf/static_main.gdb
(gdb) (gdb) Dump of assembler code for function main:
0x80481e0 <main>:	push   ebp
0x80481e1 <main+1>:	mov    ebp,esp
0x80481e3 <main+3>:	sub    esp,0xc
0x80481e6 <main+6>:	push   0x3
0x80481e8 <main+8>:	push   0x8048001
0x80481ed <main+13>:	push   0x1
0x80481ef <main+15>:	call   0x804cc60 <__libc_write>
0x80481f4 <main+20>:	xor    eax,eax
0x80481f6 <main+22>:	mov    esp,ebp
0x80481f8 <main+24>:	pop    ebp
0x80481f9 <main+25>:	ret    

The name of the function changed for no apparent reason. But it is reachable for disassembly now.

Output: out/redhat-linux-i386/magic_elf/static_write.gdb
(gdb) (gdb) Dump of assembler code for function __libc_write:
0x804cc60 <__libc_write>:	push   ebx
0x804cc61 <__libc_write+1>:	mov    edx,DWORD PTR [esp+16]
0x804cc65 <__libc_write+5>:	mov    ecx,DWORD PTR [esp+12]
0x804cc69 <__libc_write+9>:	mov    ebx,DWORD PTR [esp+8]
0x804cc6d <__libc_write+13>:	mov    eax,0x4
0x804cc72 <__libc_write+18>:	int    0x80
0x804cc74 <__libc_write+20>:	pop    ebx
0x804cc75 <__libc_write+21>:	cmp    eax,0xfffff001
0x804cc7a <__libc_write+26>:	jae    0x8052bb0 <__syscall_error>
0x804cc80 <__libc_write+32>:	ret    

There are two man pages giving some overview of system calls, intro(2) and syscalls(2). The statement mov eax,4 corresponds to the value of __NR_write in /usr/include/asm/unistd.h.

4.2. In the language of evil

The code generated by gcc(1) is not suitable for a virus. So here comes hand crafted code optimized for size (twenty three is the perfect number of bytes [1] ). I prefer nasm [2] to GNU as.

Source: src/evil_magic/evil_magic.asm
		global	_start
_start:		push	byte 4
		pop	eax		; eax = 4 = write(2)
		xor	ebx,ebx
		inc	ebx		; ebx = 1 = stdout
		mov	ecx,0x08048001	; ecx = magic address
		push	byte 3
		pop	edx		; edx = 3 = three characters
		int	0x80

		xor	eax,eax
		inc	eax		; eax = 1 = exit(2)
		xor	ebx,ebx		; ebx = 0 = return code
		int	0x80

Command: src/evil_magic/nasm.sh
nasm -f elf -o ${TMP}/evil_magic/nasm.o \
	src/evil_magic/evil_magic.asm \
&& ld -o ${TMP}/evil_magic/nasm ${TMP}/evil_magic/nasm.o \
&& ${TMP}/evil_magic/nasm

Output: out/redhat-linux-i386/evil_magic/nasm

Output is good. But how do we get the resulting machine code? We can't just add a call to printf(3) to the assembly code. Above example is not linked with glibc; it does not even have a function called main.

4.2.1. Enter evil

On the other hand things became a lot easier. There is no initialization code that gets executed before _start, so the address of _start is really the ELF entry point of the executable. A look into /usr/include/elf.h shows that Elf32_Ehdr::e_entry is at file offset 24.

Command: src/evil_magic/od.sh
od -j24 -An -tx4 -N4 ${TMP}/evil_magic/nasm \
| sed 's/^[[:space:]]/0x/'

Output: out/redhat-linux-i386/evil_magic/od

The entry point is specified as a virtual address in memory. By subtracting the base address we get the file offset:

0x8048080 - 0x8048000 = 0x80 = 128

4.2.2. Evil magic revealed

Command: out/redhat-linux-i386/evil_magic/ndisasm.sh
ndisasm -e 128 -o 0x08048080  -U tmp/redhat-linux-i386/evil_magic/nasm | head -12

Output: out/redhat-linux-i386/evil_magic/evil_magic.asm
08048080  6A04              push byte +0x4
08048082  58                pop eax
08048083  31DB              xor ebx,ebx
08048085  43                inc ebx
08048086  B901800408        mov ecx,0x8048001
0804808B  6A03              push byte +0x3
0804808D  5A                pop edx
0804808E  CD80              int 0x80
08048090  31C0              xor eax,eax
08048092  40                inc eax
08048093  31DB              xor ebx,ebx
08048095  CD80              int 0x80

4.2.3. Dressing up binary code

There is still one thing left: Dressing up the hex dump as C source. A small filter written in perl(1) would do. Because this tool will be used throughout the document it provides a lot of features, however.

The __attribute__ clause is explained in A section called .text. It is not required at this point.

Initializing the array with string literals (looking like \xDE\xAD\xBE\xEF) is easier. The terminating zero would not work with Doing it in C, however. But then using a list of hexadecimal numbers introduces separating comas, requiring special treatment of the last line.

If command line option -last_line_is_ofs is passed to the program then the last line of disassembly is meant to specify a offset into the code. Actually it's just the last byte of that line. You are free to use any dummy operation, like push byte 1. See Target::infection for an example.

Source: src/evil_magic/ndisasm.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -sw
use strict;

my $LINE = "  %-30s /* %-30s */\n";

$::identfier = 'main' if (!defined($::identfier));
$::size = '' if (!defined($::size));
$::align = '8' if (!defined($::align));

printf "const unsigned char %s[%s]\n", $::identfier, $::size;
print "__attribute__ (( aligned($::align), section(\".text\") )) =\n";
print "{\n";

my @line;
  my $code = (split())[1];
  my $dump = '0x' . substr($code, 0, 2);
  for(my $i = 2; $i < length($code); $i += 2)
    $dump .= ',0x' . substr($code, $i, 2);
  s/\s+[^\s]*\s+/: /;
  push @line, [ $_, $code, $dump ]

my $nr = 0;
my $max = $#line;
$max -= 1 if (defined($::last_line_is_ofs));
while($nr < $max)
  printf $LINE, $line[$nr][2] . ',', $line[$nr][0];
printf($LINE . "};\n", $line[$nr][2], $line[$nr][0]);
if (defined($::last_line_is_ofs))
  my $ofs = substr($line[$nr + 1][1], -2, 2);
  printf "enum { ENTRY_POINT_OFS = 0x%x };\n", hex($ofs);

Output: out/redhat-linux-i386/evil_magic/evil_magic.c
const unsigned char main[]
__attribute__ (( aligned(8), section(".text") )) =
  0x6A,0x04,                     /* 08048080: push byte +0x4       */
  0x58,                          /* 08048082: pop eax              */
  0x31,0xDB,                     /* 08048083: xor ebx,ebx          */
  0x43,                          /* 08048085: inc ebx              */
  0xB9,0x01,0x80,0x04,0x08,      /* 08048086: mov ecx,0x8048001    */
  0x6A,0x03,                     /* 0804808B: push byte +0x3       */
  0x5A,                          /* 0804808D: pop edx              */
  0xCD,0x80,                     /* 0804808E: int 0x80             */
  0x31,0xC0,                     /* 08048090: xor eax,eax          */
  0x40,                          /* 08048092: inc eax              */
  0x31,0xDB,                     /* 08048093: xor ebx,ebx          */
  0xCD,0x80                      /* 08048095: int 0x80             */

Calling the string constant main is not a mistake. Above output is a complete and valid C program.

Command: src/evil_magic/cc.sh
gcc -Wall -O2 ${OUT}/evil_magic/evil_magic.c \
	-o ${TMP}/evil_magic/cc \
&& ${TMP}/evil_magic/cc

Output: out/redhat-linux-i386/evil_magic/cc
out/redhat-linux-i386/evil_magic/evil_magic.c:2: warning: `main' is usually a function




